K No Kouzu Read Online


20Th Century Boys

From here: Growing older is pretty rough and Kenji is finding out just how hard it can be as life starts wearing down on him. On top of trying to make ends meet running a convenience store, he has to care for the niece that his missing sister left in his care. Memories of youth make it easier, until those memories come back to haunt you. Kenji and his old friends are slowly being drawn into a mysterious conspiracy that could threaten the world. Who is the mysterious 'friend', and how does he tie into Kenji's youth? Why are there disappearances and deaths tied into Ochanomizu University? The friend's memories hold the keys to the puzzle, but years between cloud the clues. The strange occurances and the reach of the 'friend' conspiracy grow by the day. It will all culminate on New Year's Eve 2000. Will Kenji and the rest of the group be able to put together the puzzle and save the world? Note: The last two volumes of the story were serialized under the name 21st Century Boys and are not included here.

Brothers Conflict Feat. Natsume

From Summer Rain: Natsume, who works at a game company, learns of his new step-sister the day of his mother's wedding. Just as he starts interacting with the game loving girl, he finds out the feelings the other siblings hold towards this girl…

Shinu Hodo Suki

Collection of one-shots. 1) Shinu hodo Suki 2) Suki sugide Kirai ~ Continuation of 'Shinu hodo Suki'. 3) Jyuu Sjuunen Omedetou ~ 10 years after Chapter 1 & 2 4) Kegarasu ~ Morning Call 5) Yume no Awayuki ~ Continuation of 'Kegarasu'. 6) Aokute Gomen 7) Onna ni Shika Wakaranai 8) Ai ga Doushita ~ Continuation of the 2nd chapter from Dare ga Omae wo Suki dato Itta Extra: Ai ga Doushita Omake Chapter

K No Kouzu

From K No Kouzu’s Intro Page & Backlash67: The beginning of a love story set in a school for eccentric artists. Kei Onodera, a college student majoring in science starts working part-time as a lecturer at an art prep school. Immediately, he catches the eye of the rough and wild sculpture teacher, Higa Rikimaru!!

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan summary: Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?
A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the a.s.sistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.
But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms j.a.pan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of j.a.pan.
//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.
The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster.
Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pa.s.s? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?
Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.
Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war G.o.d, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.
The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.
He stood in front of the charge of over 150 hors.e.m.e.n, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had acc.u.mulated in his body over these past years.
The hors.e.m.e.n shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.

The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft

The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft summary: The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Own Two Feet

My Own Two Feet summary: My Own Two Feet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Own Two Feet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ancient He And Modern Me

Ancient He And Modern Me summary: Ji Ruoyi went to a time-traveling service for a time journey. However, she bought a child ticket to save money. The agency checked out this cheat ticket and threw her to a who-knows-what dynasty n.o.body heard of before. Suddenly, she was called back to the modern age, along with a cool guy from that dynasty. They lived together, quarreled together, fought together, and misunderstood each other every day. Finally, when they confessed their feelings toward each other, endless kidnappings happened. In order to have a quiet happy life, they decided to go back to the ancient dynasty. But they fell into greater trouble, from the palace to the world of warriors. What was his background and true ident.i.ty? Was he a Mr. Wrong?




























简介【《尼洛亚》每周二更新,官方微博:心一_尼洛亚-NIRAYA ;官方群号 :361785911;微信:yingqidm】随着第六天魔王自我肢解,被后人称作“天魔遗物”的魔舍利子散落人间!欲望、野心、痛苦、挣扎……人类的情感与“天魔遗物”缠绕到一起,造就了一群可以融合它们并使用异能的“遗物能力者”。遗遗物持有权的争夺,让这群“物能者”给本就纷乱的世界带来更大的危机 ── 一段段缠绕著轮回、异能、心性与自我的冒险就此展开

Role of 王



内容简介:「入坑请务必看完排雷」全文完,连载及完结后曾有多次修改,完整版只在晋江。简体出版信息及更多小剧场or番外请戳微博晋江小多梨舒瑶被长辈强制性安排一场相亲。还没等到见面,对方小情人就一个接 一个、哭哭啼啼来找舒瑶要说法。数量多到舒瑶怀疑自己捅了鸡窝。以牙还牙,舒瑶当机立断,请来一个男人来陪自己演戏。男人姓梁名衍,相貌气质皆拔尖。相亲那日。她雇来的人闲散地坐在主位之上。袅袅红茶香,衬衫纽扣一丝不苟地扣到最顶端,一双眼睛沉静如墨,微笑看着舒瑶。舒瑶的相亲对象,恭恭敬敬地对他叫了一声:“大哥。”后来,前相亲对象向舒瑶再三保证,要与那些莺莺燕燕划清界限梁衍自卧室中走出,慢条斯理系上衬衫纽扣,望着脸青一块白一块的前相亲对象:“你大嫂对你私人感情毫无兴趣。”在得知舒瑶长达一月未曾踏出梁衍房门后,朋友注意到,连续三天,梁衍脖子上都顶着新鲜抓痕,低气压满满。碍于他本人那恐怖的掌控欲,朋友忍不住暗暗揣测,梁衍是不是对舒瑶做了刑法上的事情。商议之后,几人战战兢兢上门,一探究竟阳光灿烂,舒瑶锁骨处印着小草莓,在开开心心打游戏。梁衍细致擦去她唇边残留的奶渍。温柔又耐心。朋友苦口婆心劝诫舒瑶:“你不怕今后衣食住行全由梁衍一手安排,永远活在他监视之下、只能穿着漂亮衣服撸猫养狗、除了金钱外一点儿自由都没有吗”舒瑶眼前一亮:“这天堂般的生活在现实中真的存在吗”我喜欢你眼中只有我的样子但我也会为你学会克制你所以为的全部偶然,都是他暗地里的蓄谋已久恳请务必要看的排雷指南1男主白切黑,掌控欲极极极极强,雷者慎入;女主性格含有「夸张」成分患病,非大女主文,喜欢女强的勿入。男女主皆「遵纪守法」,「文风小白且沙雕」,考据党勿入,追求严肃深度及现实文学的勿入这点很重要,喜欢严肃深度现实的基本上都接受不了这么小白的文。2年龄差八,25身高差,「非现实向」,皆无前任,彼此「唯一」;诸多巧合以及阴差阳错只为推动男女感情线。有记忆缺失梗。3作者是人,也会思虑不周。有错处请温和指出,拒绝人身攻击以及无理由谩骂;吵架从未赢过选手,谁杠我我啾咪谁。4接受不了有一大学老师是反面人物炮灰的勿进,反派所说话并非作者本意,请勿拿反派三观对标作者三观5文章更新错误版本的不要来文下乱指点江山。6暂时也不知道有什么雷点了,先空着,等有人指出再补充1w0-83202 >>


内容简介:前世南宫可晴是特种兵的身份,一次意外穿越时空,竹林里遇冷面战神、一手西医一手中医,在琉璃国大展拳脚,从默默无闻的草民,一路凭着自身的本事升级成县主、郡主、公主、并且有了自己的商业帝国… …可是,她怎么和这个战神成了战场上的敌对关系?两个人的感情何去何从?南宫可晴羞赧、窘迫得脱口而出:“你……还是……快点把衣服穿上吧!男色当前,我怕我把持不住。”亓卿轩挑眉轻笑,暧昧地道:“如果把持不住的话你想怎么样?”“那个……”南宫可晴不知道如何回避,顿了顿道:“毕竟爱美之心人皆有之,再说了谁不喜欢美好的事物呢?呵呵,这叫赏心悦目。”南宫可晴笑得及不自然。丌卿轩脸上缓缓绽开一个魅惑的笑“本王怎么才发现……你竟可以把这么色的事情说得如此义正言辞?”“你……你这叫什么话?那……谁叫你这么好看的。”南宫可晴被戏弄的尴尬不已,有点语无伦次。【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《冷面战神又撩又甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67959 >>






内容简介:在前些年的时候,在河南某地界有些年纪的人或者懂行的人都听说过一句话“冷七棺材铺,葬鬼亦葬人”踏踏实实讲故事!作者自定义标签鬼怪坚毅作者:冷七棺材铺所写的《棺门鬼事》无弹窗免费全文阅读为 转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-30194 >>


内容简介:赵国良重生到《禽满四合院》的世界,本以为跟秦淮茹成一对,会过得生活美满幸福,日子美滋滋。却没想到秦淮茹竟然被贾家截胡了,并成为了赵国良的死敌。面对真全院禽兽的生活状况,得到了神级木匠系 统的他一点也不慌。老辈人都说,招惹谁都好,千万别惹木匠!于是乎,贾家倒霉了,日子惨兮兮。四合院的禽兽们一个个被驯得没了脾气。秦淮茹也只能看着帅气多金的赵国良痛哭:“当初退婚爽,今日悔断肠!”而赵国良从四合院开始,紧跟时代风口,乘风而起,一步步走上巅峰!1w0-83769 >>

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