Another Kingdom Read Online


Ouji Romantica

• Pure Erotica - Heartbroken by her first love, senior high year 2 student, Rika develops a fear of romance. One day, she finds out her first love's weak point! From then on, she starts her revenge... • Ouji Romantica - Yaguchi Rinko is the neat and lovely princess of her school. Not! She has always been unsmart, non-ladylike, and a tomboy, which is why she's been dumped by all her previous boyfriends. All of a sudden, the prince of the school, Onozuka Shirou, appears and offers to 'pretend' to go out with Princess Rinko... • My Girlfriend is Romeo - Shimizu Ryou, a girl, was transferred to a new school (due to her parents work) . Seiya was the prince of the school until she came. He loses to her at everything. One day, he saw her cute side and tells her she's cute. After that day, she hasn't been coming to school. Why? • Prince, Kiss and Sleeping Beauty - Shiya has a phobia of boys. What can she do, but ask the almighty “prince” of the school for help? The prince is shocked that this girl doesn’t like him, and decides to make her fall in love with him! But Shiya has a weird curse: everytime a boy touches her, she faints! - Chiri Star

Tokurei Sochi Dantai Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3 Bu

From MangaHelpers: Yamato Yura arrives at her new high school dormitory and makes friends right away-- her cute roommate Sonora, and Sonora's friends Karira and Honoka. However, these girls all seem to have model air-guns, and, before Yura knows it, they've convinced her to join a club called C-cubed. Only after joining does she fully understand the meaning: Command, Control, and Communication. C-cubed is a club for people into survival games! Will little Yura really be able to handle herself among her new friends? [tethysdust]


Harumoto Akira, a talented high school music student, descends into the violent world of Japanese speed tribes thanks to his obsession with Otoguro Yugou, the manipulative and enigmatic leader of the tribe, Red Kreuz.

Another Kingdom

Ever since she was a little girl, Hatsuse Nanao has had trouble making friends because she can see ghosts and demons that others can't. She thought things might improve in high school with new classmates, but the rumors have somehow started up there, too. Finding all the stares and whispers uncomfortable, she feigns being sick to skip school for a few days, and runs into a strange little boy at the park who knows her name and demands to spend the day with her. While trying to figure out who he is, she's discovered by Yatou Kaname, her class rep, who lets them stay at his place for the night. Who is this strange little boy and why does Yatou seem to so strongly hate even the idea of sprits and demons? Nanao finds these answers in both her own past and Yatou's.

Imperfect Desires

Imperfect Desires summary: Imperfect Desires summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Imperfect Desires. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The World's Greatest Books - Volume 14

The World's Greatest Books - Volume 14 summary: The World's Greatest Books - Volume 14 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The World's Greatest Books - Volume 14. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Random Reminiscences of Men and Events

Random Reminiscences of Men and Events summary: Random Reminiscences of Men and Events summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Random Reminiscences of Men and Events. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dolly Dialogues

Dolly Dialogues summary: Dolly Dialogues summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Dolly Dialogues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


简介她是最强修仙者,穿越异界,上有家族欺压迫害,下有渣男未婚夫凌辱践踏…想虐她?呵呵!笑看作死者自作孽不可活,顺我者昌 逆我者亡!只是…这个貌美如花的国师大大为啥总是对她“暗送秋波”?某国师:“睡过那么久,这会儿就不认账了?”




简介【每周四更新】第一次遇见顾北辰,他眼泪的冰冷狠戾以及身上的热度让我终身难忘。 第二次遇见顾北辰,他低低浅笑,天之骄子般的成就令我心生敬佩。 第三次遇见顾北辰,他静默而立,犹如停尸房外的一道炫目阳光,驱散我心中所有的恐惧……









类别玄幻 恋爱 古风 少女 其他


















内容简介:  机械科技已经陷入停滞,生物科技才是人类的未来。————————普通Q群:582699771Vip群:705762365(需1000粉丝值)1w0-4544


内容简介:她父亲是个不得志的小官,原本这一生,或许跟着另一个小官的儿子,在乱世里苟且偷安,也就过去了。可颜家的四少爷向她提了亲,靳筱懵懵懂懂,只觉得零花钱涨了不少,兴许也是好事情。他喜欢她的傻气 ,又时常因这傻气同她置气。“你不是脾气好,也不是不明白,”颜徵北呼出一口酒气,“十年前,你教那个小男孩如何做戏时,倒还有几分真心。”“如今你对我,可还有当年的真心?”民国甜宠女主靠装傻撒娇混日子,非小白文最近民国虐戏看了太多,干脆自割腿肉撒糖吧如果您喜欢做戏(民国甜宠),别忘记分享给朋友作者:冬日樱桃所写的《做戏(民国甜宠)》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w5924-95304 >>


内容简介:我讨厌命运和预言,那会显得我的一切努力都变得毫无意义。艾弥夜·扬这么说。她从来都没有想过自己是主角,或者有什么主角效应。来到这个陌生的世界,她最大的愿望就是以一个巫师的视角来观看这个世 界的一切,然后写一本环游世界的传记。作者:古兰色回忆所写的《哈利波特之雨夜》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-105752 >>


内容简介:她是从狼群中走出的冯家后继人,名震天下的女将军,为了他一句“我若称帝,王后是你”而惨遭背叛,手脚被碎,一千兄弟被血洗,破庙之中她宁死不让他如愿。她是身体肥胖,刁蛮任性的京城第一蠢货贵女 ,为了一个草包皇子而跌落山崖,最终香消玉殒。当修罗浴火,重生在花痴草包身上,当卸下铠甲,挽下青丝,她乱朝堂,报血仇,一双红酥手可将山河搅碎。1w70612-70861 >>


内容简介:全文完结,全订仅需一杯蜜雪冰城很便宜哒!感谢大家支持正版!【高亮:主角不会原谅他们,和怀家人是碎镜难圆。】不可一世的怀家小少爷一朝从神坛跌落,成为众人口中贪婪无厌,偷了别人十几年富裕生 活的恶毒假少爷。曾经的张扬放肆都变成他人眼里的烂泥扶不上墙,和在贫穷中长大出淤泥而不染的真少爷唐白形成鲜明对比。疼爱他的爸妈对他痛恨至极:不知廉耻的小偷!嫌贫爱富偷了小白十几年的生活!宠溺他的大1w0-32416 >>

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