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Black Saga

Black Saga is a graphic novel (drawn in anime/style) that takes place in the United States (US) in the year 2037, once a peaceful and free country, now a communistic land, ruled by a terrible dictator ,bent on global domination. Within the Government, all formed as one, the states are soon merged and split up like live stalk in order to control all of the US's inhabitants like animals. Known as 'Sectors' given a letter and a rank,the greatest,in which the governments all reside Sector.Y.It is known for it's evil, and unholy biological weaponry and experimentation...soon to assure their goal of pure domination over humans, in the sad dream of achieving Goddom, 'Project Delta Y', the project of creating humans known as 'Assassins', purely artificial humans, who live in secrecy,as attack dogs, killing and terminating any threats to the one in control. Relotte Warden. Both forms of the 'Assassins' are split into 2 phases,1 and 2. The Assassins...born with superhuman abilities...superhuman agility and strength.But some reside in tieriny ,only wanting a peaceful life within human society .But our protagonist, Ethan, is determined to break free ,along with finding out his identity. But he'll learn,it's not all he expects it to be.Black Saga is a horror sci-fi genre comic,filled with blood,horrific creatures,and heart-tugging drama. The Beginning Chapters are from 2012 and have a lower art quality.

Dokidoki Shisugi No Koimonogatari

The summer vacation...with a teacher in a vacant classroom. It is a sweet painful love affair that a girl often (o rly?) experiences. This is the sixth issue of the best-selling Cheese selection. Nine other stories are included besides the title story written by Sugi Emiko.

Boku No Shotaiken

Disappointed that the girl he loves does not return his affections, Eitaro attempts to commit suicide. But his near dead-body is discovered by a scientist and his mind is transferred to the body of a young girl. As a girl, Eitaro soon learns that the girl of his dreams did in fact love him, so they try to make the relationship work despite the fact that Eitaro is in a girl's body.

Rumic Theater

From Viz: This sophisticated collection of tales, ranging from the macabre to heartwarming to wacky, will please any Takahashi fan, as well as introduce the uninitiated to the broad range of the manga master's work! The trials and tribulations of daily life are infused with Takahashi's unique brand of magical realism!

Hunter Of The Forbidden Region

Hunter Of The Forbidden Region summary: Every being has a spirit. Inevitably there will be some individuals, or some incidents, that we have never came across. Six years ago, it was rumored that a mystical giant python was facing it’s transformation. The news attracted hunters all over the world to Kunlun Mountain. At the end, the giant python died and Lin Shuo was the only hunter who survived and had since retired into the remote mountains. Six years later, a piece of giant python scale appeared in front of Lin Shuo. The giant python who had failed to transform survived. Lin Shuo decided to embark on a journey again in order to find out the truth from six years ago.

Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! summary: Ichinomiya Shingo, a young 25 years old, single, worker of firm company while thinking of tomorrow’s busy working day goes to sleep. However the moment he woke up, it’s a room unknown to him.
He then learn that he is inside a 6 years-old boy and is taking over his mind. He then learn a lot from the memories of the said boy: he was born as the youngest child (8th son and 10th child) of poor n.o.ble family living in back country. Having no administrative skill, he can’t do anything to manage the vast land his family has.
Fortunately, he is blessed with a very rare talent, talent of magic. Unfortunately, while his talent could bring prosperity to his family, in his situation it only brought disaster. Yes, this is the story of the boy, Wendelin Von Benno Baumeister, opening his own path in a harsh world.

The Homeschooling Option

The Homeschooling Option summary: The Homeschooling Option summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Homeschooling Option. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Three Hands For Scorpio

Three Hands For Scorpio summary: Three Hands For Scorpio summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Three Hands For Scorpio. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.








简介一封遗嘱,让平凡女高中生苏以南成了珠宝大鳄白家身家上亿的千金大小姐,白家四个散落在外的少爷也在此时回到白家,为了各自的目的,而接近苏以南……(每周五更新,主笔:相泽皮皮 剧本:远上寒山)














类别悬疑 玄幻










内容简介:开局全忍界诺曼底登陆神秘的游戏空间席卷忍界,不管是活人还是净土的亡灵都被拉入其中。挑战游戏,胜利者获得奖励,血脉,忍术,道具,应有尽有。鸣人“好耶,我抽到了佐助同款的写轮眼。”卡1w0 -70242 >>


内容简介:  苏若汐,凤舞大陆,凤天国苏王府三小姐。天生废材,颜丑,人傻,从小就被欺凌,最后被两个姐姐下药之后推下山崖致死……再次醒来,灵魂交替,当强者之魂,进入弱者之躯,凤舞大陆将会掀起怎样的 波澜!修炼?她拥有逆天的体质,躺着睡觉都能吸收玄气!炼丹?带着宝宝随便在森林里逛了一圈,契约一只萌兽,吃了药草就能拉出丹药!炼器?在路上,随便救了个呆萌的路痴,竟然是炼器天才,萌萌的认他为主,只因她愿意为他带路……他,容貌妖孽,风流无双!表面上是凤天国冷酷的凤王,实际上则是神秘势力的背后主子……初见,她将他压在身下,当成了解药,却不曾看他一眼,只是顺走了他的钱,更不知他是谁?再见,她在他的赌坊,再次赢走了他的钱,等他赶到的时候,她已经人去钱空了……六年后她,掀开了神秘面纱,露出了倾城容颜……她,血洗了泱泱大国,绽放了万千风华……有个人,心伤成殇,为她三千墨发变成雪……有个人,默默守护,为她血染黄土身先死……女主强大、清冷、绝色、腹黑。不惹是非不是害怕是非,只是讨厌麻烦。你不犯我。我不犯你,你若犯我,斩草除根。男主腹黑、强大、冷漠。结局一对一。【苏晴儿唯一粉丝群:154856.】1w0-942 >>


内容简介:讲述一个高中生穿越火影的故事。没有神器,没有修真,没有神兽。没有火影以外的东西。适当yy主角不会一下子变成中忍或者上忍,也不回被别人来回菜。讲述一个忍者的故事本站提示:各位书友要是觉得 《火影之炎帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84083 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:木叶:奈良一族的幕后黑手】“阴遁”代表精神的力量,能在无形之中创造出形体。“阳遁”代表的力量,可以为形体注入生命。穿越到火影世界的奈良一族。奈良陆人发现自己的 影子秘术强得可怕,竟然能够从阴影中投影出记忆中的各种道具、物品、武器。“如果这些东西能够被其他人使用,是不是意味着我的力量寄宿在那些人身上?”抱着这样的想法,仙豆、超神水、影子兵团、恶魔果实等东西逐一现世。奈良陆人成为火影世界的最大幕后黑手。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75261 >>


内容简介:  待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。黄巢振臂,昔日震烁古今的大唐王朝走向覆灭,五代十国乱世开启,金戈铁马寻常事,是非成败转头空。在汹涌浪潮的末尾和高潮, 后周北宋之间那些年,史从云早知道周世宗雄才伟略,赵匡胤君临天下,听说过南唐大小周后,知道后蜀花蕊夫人。中原群雄割据,北方契丹虎视眈眈。风云际会,天翻地覆之际,史从云跟着只长肌肉不长脑的大爹,该如何在乱世中谋存。一步步从胸无大志,只想苟全性命于乱世的小人物成长为气吞天下的雄主......(主角比较不守规矩,卫道士误入)1w0-3053 >>


内容简介:  坐拥奥罗金的超级科技,安迪表示只要资源到位,八极化的帕丽斯弓能全上裂罅紫卡,别说一箭射爆飞船,就算是灭霸来了也挡不住。“奥罗金科技才是未来”安迪如是说道应书友的建议,开一个群群号: 574824225欢迎各位大佬带我飞~1w0-3103 >>

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