Harem Days Read Online


Seven Sisters!

From Village Idiot: To Minagawa Ichiri, both good things and bad things are bothersome. That's why his principle is to avoid doing anything that would cause such a thing. However, there is one thing that he can't avoid - because of his parents' jobs, he was constantly transferring from school to school. This time, he has transferred to Reimei Academy, one of the five famous private academies called the 'Seven Sisters.' On his tour of the school with vice president Kirishima Shitone, an attack occurs! The attacker seems to go after people with long black hair and a sword in an attempt to find and exact revenge on 'Double Edge,' who killed one of her best friends using a power called 'Idea,' where she brings her principles into reality using a wrist band called 'Codec.'


In search of her mother Nagi, a girl from a desolate country village, comes to a big city and enters Swimming Suieikyou High School. Shortly after joining the swimming club, Nagi finds out that the pool is actually completely overtaken by boys! But in this never-practicing so-called swimming club Nagi finds something...

Star Ocean: Blue Sphere

Galactic Era 366, a malevolent entity, 'The Ten Wise Men', manipulated the Crest of Annihilation in an attempt to destroy the entire universe. Their aspirations were crushed by the heroes' actions across many planets, and the Ten Wise Men were defeated. The Universe was at peace once again. Thereafter, the heroes decided to go their separate ways. And two years later... Precis and Leon are studying abroad on Earth. Then one day, they received an SOS from Opera and Ernest, saying that they had crashed on an underdeveloped planet. And the both of them, gathering some old friends, set off to Edifice to rescue them. But what they will find there will lead them on another adventure in which they will need to save a planet, and possibly the entire universe once again.

Harem Days

1-2) Harem Days Madoka Mitsuru (Enman to his coworkers) is an rough ex-yankee, so he's not really sure how he got a job at a prestigious company. He works in 'the harem', the name of the gofer department because of all the attractive ladies, under Chief Suzunari, a cheery middle-aged man who doesn't understand the meaning of personal space! 3) Hareta Yoru no Hikari (Light of the Clear Night Sky) Medical intern Chikada Tomoharu is always being called a 'nice guy', especially when he's being dumped. When his lover dumps him by email, text message, and he's roughed up by the yakuza outside his apartment building he's having the worst day ever. Building caretaker Fukiage Tatsuru scares off the gang off, and he and Chikada become friends. But does Tatsuru only see him as a 'nice guy' too? 4-5) Itsuka no Himitsu It's been ten years since Yuuya was home. That was the last time he faced Asato, the blind neighbor he's always had a crush on. He's spent the time trying to forget the one night he acted on those feelings. But he's been fired and evicted; with no place to go he returns to his childhood home and the man he's never forgotten. 6) My Secret: Itsuka no Himitsu bonus

Codex Alera

Codex Alera summary: Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) In the realm of Alera, where people bond with the furies-elementals of earth, air, fire, water and metal, fifteen-year-old Tavi struggles with his lack of furycrafting. But when his homeland erupts in chaos-when rebels war with loyalists and furies clash with furies-Tavi 's simple courage will turn the tides of war.

Epitome Series: The Path To Be A SUPER FAMOUS

Epitome Series: The Path To Be A SUPER FAMOUS summary: Nathan Ford is a normal high school student who has an ambition to be a WORLD FAMOUS person. He also have the hobby of reading novels, manga and watching animes.One night when he is strolling around aimlessly, he had witnessed a crime that will change and turned his life upside down, An event that will make him who is a lizard to be a soaring dragon, starting from there, normal is no more.An...

The Darkness Inside You

The Darkness Inside You summary: She, who has demon voice inside of her mind that caused deaths to those people whom she had considered as her family. She fell in love, not only once but twice, and they only ended up dead in front of her eyes. All the people that got closed to her, they just didn 't last long. And... He, who can see dark creatures of a person that a normal couldn 't. The first and only one who can see her dark...

Apis Mellifica

Apis Mellifica summary: Apis Mellifica summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Apis Mellifica. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
















简介弱小的大太刀高等学校相扑部加入了一名个子不高的新部员——潮 火之丸。在这项以“壮”、“重”为优势的竞技中,小个子的火之丸却说出了以大相扑最高等级“横纲”为目标的豪言。白热的高中相扑,开幕!






类别恋爱 霸总 真人












内容简介:末世前一天,江蓠被迫绑定了一个系统,这位自称租房系统的不知名生物一上来就豪气万千地给她送了一个小区。系统挥舞着小皮鞭:“我们的目标是成为名满天下的包租婆!”江蓠:“MDZZ”正经版文案 :末世来临,人类面临生存浩劫,这个时候,一处不受丧尸侵扰的住处就变得尤为重要。江蓠看着租客越来越爆满的小区,心里美滋滋,离躺着数钱的包租婆梦想越来越近了呢!然而,系统从来不按常理出牌,江蓠看着新开出来的古代位面泪流满面,奈何系统太狗币,一朝回到解放前。身旁一直虎视眈眈的某人:“别怕,有我陪着你。”1V1,甜文不虐。1w0-30300 >>


内容简介:“恭喜您成功登录生存游戏,在这里,让我们一起打开新世界的大门!”一句附耳呢喃,让商以柔瞬间惊醒。24世纪爆火的全息游戏【噩梦】突然只能登录不能退出,无数人真的进入了这个名副其实的“噩梦 游戏”。黑暗的海底古城,错综复杂的隧道机关,49位陌生玩家……系统的提示音泛着诡异,在这里不分性别,没有金钱地位,现实与游戏彻底混乱,只有全身心依靠于自己的博弈才有可能存活下去。随机移动的密室、美人鱼的神秘歌声、随时可能涌进的海水、七个队伍间进四退三的生死PK……一切的一切都在告诉商以柔,她也进入了噩梦游戏中。【系统提示】:恭喜玩家商以柔成功破解副本世界观!【副本提示】:恭喜玩家商以柔成功速通副本!……【系统】:“宿主你为何总能通关?!”商以柔:“真当我两百多年是睡过去的么?”别问了别问了,男主是季朝1w23069-95131 >>


内容简介:  她本是实力强悍,医术超群的世家家主。  一朝穿越成将军府的废柴嫡小姐,成为第一位被退婚的太子妃,人人嘲讽!  选秀宴上,她被赐嫁给鼎鼎有名的残废王爷。  众人笑:瞎子配残废,天生是 一对。  却不知她手握失传丹方,能练绝顶丹药;家养神级萌宠,天下独一无二!  更可怕的是她家残废王爷——  一肚子的腹黑坏水,外加逆天修炼体质,秒杀一众天才。  白天坐轮椅,晚上却缠着她要亲亲、抱抱、举高高……1w0-76 >>


内容简介:故事简介玉皇,他是史上最强的异能者,拥有最诡异的非自然系异能——剥夺,可以将别人的生命、记忆,以及能力都占为己有,不过,他却因遭背叛,穿越到异界。身怀异能穿越异界,那会掀起一场什么腥风 血雨?这里没有绚烂的魔法,也没有强大的斗气。但这里却有比魔法更加绚烂,比斗气更加强大的武学秘典。“我很喜欢你的内力,开个价吧!”从此之后,主角就开始了他的BUG生涯。新书秘籍等级制度:天书(日、月、星),地书(XXX),人书(XXX)。恳请各位看官,看完之后,请顺手丢上几张推荐票吧,烽火谢谢!!(显得有些底气不足。)PS:【三组出品,本本精品】完本过小说:《重生之华丽人生》新书求推荐:《校花的极品高手》本书绝不TJ,大家放心阅读。1w0-68700 >>



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