Bonten No Morito Read Online


Futakoi Alternative

From Wikipedia : Futakoi Alternative tells the story of Rentar? Futaba and his detective agency. One day a set of twins, Sara and S?ju, show up at his doorstep. They move in with him and work as secretaries for his agency. Classifying Futakoi Alternative as a specific genre is extremely difficult, although at its core, it is most similar to a romantic comedy. The first handful of episodes are lighthearted, but the series becomes more serious as it approaches its conclusion. The criticisms about the show is normally the same as its accolades: Namely, that it never settles completely into any one genre or style and switches between them from episode to episode (being almost equal parts romance, action, scifi/fantasy and comedy).


Series of 5 oneshots: 1) Natsu Jikan A boy goes to meet a stranger after his mother died. The mother left a lot of love-letters to this man... 2) Torrid Night After years have past Takaaki has returned to his childhood home and his stepbrother Nozomi. They are the only family they have left, and both hold secrets from the past that can destroy them. But the dark passion they feel is dangerous too... 3-4) That's What God Says & Sweet Little Devil Izumi and Tetsuya are neighbors, both with very similar problems. Does one's appearance really determine who you are or how you should be? Were these neighbors fated to be together? 5) The Sleeping Man Naoki and Tatsuya were high school classmates and close friends, with Tatsuya having the task of waking up his ever sleeping friend. They agreed to meet at the dawn of the new millennium, and though they both show up, there's something off....

Doors Of Chaos

When all the doors open, the world will slip into chaos... Only the twins Clarissa (open) and Mizeria (close) control the Four Doors that protect the world from descending into chaos. When Rikhter, their guardian, kidnaps Clarissa, he weakens the Door of Chaos and demons begin to pour through, threatening to destroy the entire kingdom. Will Mizeria find her sister in time to close the door and restore order to the world? (Source: Tokyopop)

Bonten No Morito

Once Demons and Humans were at war, and special warriors were needed to defend humans. Now a peace treaty exists between demons and humans. To uphold it human warriors now protect demons from other predatory demons. The Yosogi family is given this thankless task--and it's heir is young Akira, who can't even stand up against his older sister. But only Akira can sense the presence of demons, so he must become the next Demon Defender. But their grandfather has brought in a shy girl named Matsuri--and Akira is warned in a dream he must protect her at all costs!


Phenomeno summary: “There are things that shouldn’t be seen.”
Often said my late grandmother, and that was quite true.
I was drawn to the occult from childhood, and upon entering university, I learned the truth of those words by stepping many times into the edges of the netherworld. Ghosts — beings which no one can decisively determine whether they exist or not. The story that begins here revolves around stories brought forth by them.
And this story, it can also be said to be the story of it and I.
As its eyes glimmer in front of strangeness, as it breathes out words with a bedazzled expression, it warped the world that I always believed in. It made me anxious of whether the ground I stood on would shake. I would want to look over my shoulder just by listening, and I grew to fear whether someone were peeking from the dark shadow of the door.
Maybe it was because the words it spoke included truths about the other side. It included truths that only applied to the scant, grotesque, waning, dead ones.
Now, after it has disappeared, do I finally know that.
As grandmother said, it was a world that I should not have seen. It was a story that was not for the living person.
However, I intend to speak of that.
I intend to speak about all of that.
Because if I don’t — it wouldn’t be able to rest in peace.
Because it, having lived on the edge of darkness, having struggled through the threshold of darkness, would not be able to live in peace.
Yes — I’ll say it once more.
From here on, is a story that shouldn’t be known.

History of the National Flag of the United States of America

History of the National Flag of the United States of America summary: History of the National Flag of the United States of America summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the National Flag of the United States of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga summary: A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels

Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels summary: Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.












简介【每周一、周四 更新】身为京城头牌舞姬的李念皎,私下底却是仇恨吸血一族又身手矫健的夜族猎人。一次狩猎中,她意外卷入帅哥夏夜与白发夜族间的争斗,却被夏夜发现真实身份,以此要挟要对他言听计从?与此同时,神秘的白发夜族对她似乎也有着不一样的暧昧~




















内容简介:水门和玖辛奈:“生日快乐!快许个愿望吧!”鸣人:“我希望老妈给我生一个哥哥。”玖辛奈:“诶???”水门:“为什么不是生个弟弟呢?”鸣人:“因为是哥哥的话会像鼬大哥一样温柔强大,是弟弟的 话一定会像佐助一样蠢。”……穿越者任明成为鸣人,会给火影世界带来什么样的变化呢?1w0-81634 >>


内容简介:尹映梨上一世身为第一皇女为了守护她的国早早逝去,无顾自身,终有遗憾。这一世,她仍是那个天生的奇才谋士,只是,她想要的只是一家平安,但总是事与愿违。前有虎,后有狼,见虎打虎,遇狼耍狼。且 看她为了所爱之人,如何以谋将众人玩弄于股掌之间。此文慢热谋中谋是重点1w0-109070 >>


内容简介:简介:狗剩,机缘巧合当上大小姐的贴身私人司机,与各种美女邂后的故事。看他如何组建后宫独享齐人之乐;看他如何行走江湖浪迹花丛;看他如何成为最牛的司机;他行走江湖纵横天下肆饮琼浆玉露醉;他 浪迹花丛寻梦青楼含笑百花丛中睡;采花猎艳岂是罪功名利禄都嫌累;逍遥一生红尘醉。日日皆春宵夜夜是高潮。作者:白玉汤所写的《绝品小司机》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-126805 >>




内容简介:新文《穿进死对头的天猫精灵后》正在连载,点进作者专栏,即可收获快乐ω\季轻舟穿越了,穿成了一本狗血渣贱虐文的贱受,摆在他前面的有两个选择,A选择原书中正牌渣攻,从此开启一场死妈家暴退圈 艳照满天飞的虐身虐心之恋。B选择面前的炮灰反派楚诚,从此摆脱渣攻。季轻舟二话没说选择了B。豪门少爷楚诚出身显赫,年纪轻轻就是上市公司老总,遍看娱乐圈美人,偏偏看上了季轻舟。友人问他,“喜欢这个小明星?”楚诚摇头,“不,只是和他玩玩。”门外的季轻舟点头,对,书里就是这样写的。几个月后季轻舟接完电话往回走,无意间听到有人说“季轻舟?呵,楚诚不过是和他玩玩,玩够了就该分了。”季轻舟正准备点头,却听到楚诚勃然大怒道“胡说八道!哪个王八蛋给你说的!扰人姻缘是会被马踢的他不知道吗!”季轻舟:???不对啊!书里不是这么写的啊!新文《穿进死对头的天猫精灵后》正在连载,点进作者专栏,即可收获快乐ω\如果把人生比作上帝掷骰子,那陆云飞觉得自己好歹是个6,长得帅学习好,只有英语严重偏科。直到他知道了边晋源——边晋源身高腿长面冷,次次考试都是年级第一,英语成绩更是倍杀陆云飞,自己是6的话,那这家伙简直是666啊!既生飞何生源,一山难容二虎,除非一公一母,陆云飞看了看对方的性别,默默打了个叉。然而他刚把边晋源当对头没多久,就惊奇的发现,晚上9点过后,他会莫名其妙穿进边晋源的天猫精灵里。穿进天猫精灵后,陆云飞才发现,自己的死对头,竟然是个贫穷贵公子。高富帅陆云飞看了看自己卡里快溢出来的钱,决定发挥自己的同学爱。于是,边晋源缺钱,陆云飞请他给自己当英语家教。边晋源买了蛋糕舍不得吃留给自己的家人,陆云飞第二天就给他了一块大蛋糕。日行一善,陆云飞觉得自己胸前隐形的红领巾都更加鲜艳了。直到学校论坛出了一则热帖:《点艹陆云飞,让年级第一给你当牛做马,真觉得自己有两个臭钱就了不起了是吧!》主楼罗列了各种事迹:提包、接水、剥栗子,一代学霸被陆云飞使唤的宛如佣人。众人吃瓜正酣,就见从来不在论坛发言的边晋源第一次实名发言。边晋源:不需要钱,我愿意,管得着吗?众人吓得瓜都掉了。陆云飞则琢磨着自己应该少麻烦边晋源一点。“不需要,我喜欢被你麻烦。”“还是算了。”陆云飞拒绝。边晋源想了想:“那我换个说法——不需要,我喜欢你。”陆云飞:???!!!陆云飞怎么也没想到,山头大了,什么虎都有,两只公老虎在一起,不仅能跑得快,还能谈恋爱!其他预收:《重生后,我成了我哥的猫和狗娱乐圈》:轻松欢乐娱乐圈甜爽文《我和影帝的不开灯关系》:训妻一时爽,追妻火葬场《穿成校草死对头》:轻松沙雕欢乐小甜饼,穿书三部曲最后一部已完结:《穿成影帝 >>


内容简介:恶魔少爷杠上拽丫头全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),开学第一天,童黎夏就被一对双胞胎美男玩弄于鼓掌之中,哪个是哥哥?哪个是弟弟?到底是谁害的她被狗追?一波未平一波1w20274- 78972 >>

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