Tsukiyoda Sadame No Sekai No Sukuikata Read Online


Kono Oneesan Wa Fiction Desu!?

Late one night when Jun was out on his bike, he came across a drunk, half-naked girl sprawled on the side of the road. She came to just enough to be uncomfortably affectionate, but Jun took her to his home to sleep it off with gentlemanly discretion. It turns out that she is Kawase Narumi, his author mother's new assistant. Unfortunately, she has no idea what she's doing in her new job, so Jun's going to have to coach her. He's also going to have to deal with her habit of getting drunk, mostly naked, and cuddly. Jun's life will never be the same! [From Baka-Updates]

Legendary Kang Do-Young

There is a Legend about a guy named Kang Do-Young. He is perfect, he is great at sports, he is rich as well as good at fighting. That guy is also the current Jjang of the school. And now that guy likes Namire. A girl who is in a club called 'Pink Lady' and that also wants to be Jjang of her whole school. But she wants to fight Do-Young and defeat him so she can be the new Jjang. To bad Kang Do-Young doesn't want to fight since he likes her. What will happen will she ever defeat him and become Jjang or..........?

Debu To Bijin

A realistic and heavy story about a fat loser and a beautiful slut.

Tsukiyoda Sadame No Sekai No Sukuikata

From MangaHelpers: Tsukiyoda Sadame is a high-schooler and hypocrite who plans to use his charisma to take over the world. Through his machinations, he is able to become instantly popular as soon as he transfers into his new school, to the point where he's nominated as the class rep! However, there is another manipulator at work in his class, also trying to claim power: a girl named Kokoro. While following her after school (totally not stalking her, though, nothing creepy), Sadame runs into a weird old man. It seems he's been getting 'missions' on his smartphone, and if he doesn't complete them, the world will be destroyed. Soon Sadame is recognized as a 'messiah' as well, and he gets his first mission-- to steal Kokoro's panties. Could these missions really be from God, and how can he possibly complete them and save the world without utterly ruining his carefully designed public persona!? [tethysdust] -------------------- Tsukiyoda Sadame, a hypocrite and a high-schooler who dreams of conquering the world. A person who's popular the moment he transfers into his new school. But suddenly a terrible truth is revealed to him! That there are these awfully ridiculous missions that he has to clear. And if he doesn't manage to clear them... the world will end?! Is this the work of God, or the Devil's deed? Your pride, honour, and appearances - cast it all aside and save the world, Tsukiyoda Sadame!

Ascending, Do Not Disturb

Ascending, Do Not Disturb summary: You think too much, cultivation is not like this… When Kong Hou steps on the path to cultivation, she learns that all xianxia stories are full of lies. A relaxed cultivation story. Kong Hou: a traditional musical instrument like a harp. The female protagonist’s name. Translator review: Yes, another novel of Yue Xia Dia Ying. Do I read other novels? Yes. Do I really want to translate those? Mostly not. To describe this novel, I would say this is the author stepping out of her usual range. The romance progresses slowly (don’t say I did not warn you), the world-building is much better than usual, more cultivation fantasy fare than historical romance, and stuffed so full of sweetness you get cavities. Also, for a bit of turn of events, there’s not a dark, brooding, and mastermind male counterpart to a scheming, intelligent and time-travelling female protagonist. Time-travelling to a magical cultivation world might just be a bit too much, no? But as always, a happy ending.

Barium, A Cause of the Loco-Weed Disease

Barium, A Cause of the Loco-Weed Disease summary: Barium, A Cause of the Loco-Weed Disease summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Barium, A Cause of the Loco-Weed Disease. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat summary: The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Wife, and Other Stories

The Wife, and Other Stories summary: The Wife, and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wife, and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.






简介改编自网易文学作者 鄀宁宁 作品《日久生情:爱你,一错到底》 为了出人头地,相爱四年的男友,亲手将她送给了陌生人。傅斯年,31岁,华臣老总。与顾氏的千金小姐早有婚约。风波过后,她阴差阳错地变成众所周知的“傅总未婚妻”。背负着万人唾骂的小三之名。她和他的婚礼极尽豪华,可那两本大红的结婚证书,承载的不是爱情,而是利益。他冷漠疏离,心机深不可测。她骄傲倔强,坚守着灰姑娘的自尊心。可她万万没有想到,仅仅是一夜沦陷,便会跌进万劫不复的深渊!谁能告诉她,这场无爱的婚姻,为何慢慢让她泥足深陷,情难自禁,最后变成了她仅有的出路?




























内容简介:本文于22号入v之前写错了,入v后日更,有事会请假v下一本修真界第一解说员阮陶,一个江湖骗子。一朝穿越,穿越进了一本聊斋同人文里。别人在聊斋里的狐狸都是“恩公救命之恩,奴家愿以身相许。 ”而他1w0-77873 >>


内容简介:《新星学园》海选的第一天,戚白就顶着一张软萌可爱的脸,给自己立了一个妖娆狐狸精人设。看着这么纯良无害的长相,和娇小单薄的身形,围观网友们实在无法把她跟狐狸精联系在一起。然而还不等网友们 开始吐槽,就瞧见戚白一边甜甜笑着,一边用两根手指把易拉罐捏成了饼。网友们:“……”后来,在戚白人气爆棚C位出道的那一天,有网友发帖询问:声音动听、唱功优秀、长相甜美但是能把纣王物理超度的狐狸精,你喜欢吗?娱乐圈里有个公认的狐狸精,那就是演狐狸精出道的影后苏蓝。苏影后出道十年,举手投足间都带着妩媚妖娆的气场,一双狐狸眼更是勾人,完美符合人们心中的狐狸精形象。对此,拥有成精许可证的真?狐狸精戚白表示:“论魅惑,还是得看我们真妖精!”戚白:“我是你二十年前救过的狐狸,好不容易化成人形,你有什么要求尽管提吧。”苏蓝:“变回去。”戚?嘤嘤怪?小狐狸?白:“嘤……”小狐狸委屈JPG最像狐狸精的假狐狸精×不像狐狸精的真狐狸精年上,姐攻,大姐姐×小妹妹1w59294-64063 >>


内容简介:  穿越成女扮男装的大龄小官之女不郁闷,郁闷的是迟迟掉不了马甲。驴都发现她女儿身了,身边的男人们还发现不了。豁出去自曝身份,穿着女装招摇过市,还能被人拿钱打发离京,说是怕她影响他们兄弟 高大上的光辉形象。不说了,心累。1w0-2561 >>


内容简介:不是海贼是盗贼!这是一个穿越到海贼世界,发誓再也不做小偷……改邪归正重新做人却吃下了【偷偷果实】的故事!李欧想要兴趣使然成为英雄的愿望就此落空。当然,俗话说没有弱小的果实,只有弱小的人 ……李欧虽然不认同,但仍将这个恶俗的果实……开发出了有趣的能力。例如:偷窃他人的生命力来强化肉穿的自己;以及开发出类似【盗贼的极意】这种能力,使李欧能够同时使用多种果实能力。新的传说将在这片蔚蓝壮阔的大海上掀起……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《海贼之盗王之王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80143 >>


内容简介:盛弋从十六岁时开始喜欢许行霁,整整七年,没勇气和他说过一句话她只是默默的追随他,和他报一样的大学,偷偷看他,然后在别人攻击许行霁的时候坚定地说:他是天才就算天才藏起了翅膀,收敛了锋芒, 他也是天才大学毕业那年,盛弋阴差阳错的被家里安排嫁给了许行霁商圈的人都知道,许家那三公子许行霁是许家的私生子,不受重视,纨绔子弟,爱玩风流……没人想嫁他,但于盛弋而言,是如愿以偿无论多少人看不起许行霁,但他是自己的梦想只是在那场盛大的联姻婚礼上,新郎甚至都没有出席盛弋成了一个独自完成婚礼的新娘,也成了圈内的笑柄直到第二天,许行霁才特意从国外飞回来,递给她一份离婚协议“都是互相搪塞家里人的。”坐在餐桌对面的男人一身低调的黑色西装,漂亮的眉眼张扬肆意,看着盛弋的目光是毫无温度的冷:“两年为期,然后结束。”盛弋知道自己没有资格拒绝这份协议,她只问了一个问题:“你婚礼那天不出现,是为了故意羞辱我吗?”许行霁:“是。”盛弋直到这个时候才愿意承认,现在的他已经不是自己多年前一见倾心的惊艳少年了以前的许行霁苍白漂亮,才华横溢,所思所想所创造的都是不世出的惊艳之作,现在……1w0-96988 >>

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