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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Gaiden - Madoromi No Onna Mahou Tsukai

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Koi O Kataranai Kuchibiru

From Hoshikuzuu Scans and Starry Sky Scans: 'Having sex without love. All the gay people do this, right?' University student, Kawamoto has a string of one-night stands. One day, he meets a university employee called Kuroki, and he tries to bed him. 'Do you always do stuff like this?' Kuroki has been in love with one of the school professors for 7 years. 'I'm happy just being by his side.' That unwavering dedication captures Kawamoto's heart... If love is solely loving someone, doesn't that just invite pain...? The long-awaited young love story by Nanameguri!!

Leo's Debut

The daily adventure of Leo and his friends Theo, Panman, and others.

Exclusive Love Contract

A collection of short stories: • Exclusive Love Contract Salaryman-horny-uke, Aida Tomoki is surprised when well-endowed sexing-his-way-through-college seme, Mochizuki Shougo walks into his hotel room by mistake. After their first unplanned tryst what exactly does Tomoki-san have in mind for Shougo-kun? This hot and funny one shot has lots of sex and a happy ending. • Sono Toki ai Wa Ubawareta (At that time, love was stolen, pt. 1) After an amazing one-night stand with a guy (his first), the young businessman runs away. Six months later he just got a new job, and guess who's the president of the company? He's been waiting to get his hands on the poor uke, and he has no intention of letting him go! • Sono Toki ai Wa Ubawareta (At that time, love was stolen, pt. 2) Part two of Sono Toki ai Wa Ubawareta starts when the young business man (Yuuya) is taken to Tomotaka Haibara's apartment, where he's ordered to stay. Only, he has to share a room with the president?! • Ai no Muchi, Ai no Mitsu • Seito Kaishitsu e Youkoso! • Koi no Legend *The above three titiles are part of the Hyper Eroticism Fanbook. • Yagami Doctor no Ai no Shinsatsushitsu (Dr. Yagami's Love Examination) An esteemed doctor discovers the naughty side of one of his male nurses when he catches him wearing a kinky costume, garter belts and all. Dr. Yagami disciplines his nurse with a pleasurable 'injection' that the nurse is all to eager to receive... • Shitasaki no Amai Aji (Sweet Taste on my Tongue) Akihi has just been dumped when he runs into the hot new student teacher who gives him a lollipop. • Exclusive Love Contract sequel

Princess Dolly And The Witch Of Ezra

Princess Dolly And The Witch Of Ezra summary: Princess Dolly And The Witch Of Ezra summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Princess Dolly And The Witch Of Ezra. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Diary Without Dates

A Diary Without Dates summary: A Diary Without Dates summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Diary Without Dates. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Love Under Two Kendalls

Love Under Two Kendalls summary: Love Under Two Kendalls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love Under Two Kendalls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tarrano the Conqueror

Tarrano the Conqueror summary: Tarrano the Conqueror summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tarrano the Conqueror. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


[植物][收集][记忆][宇宙]。 以这四件事物为主题,流光溢彩的短篇集。






























内容简介:母亲去世,父亲另娶,昔日闺蜜成继母。闺蜜设局,狠心父亲将怀孕的我送出国。五年后,带娃回国,誓将狠心父亲、心机闺蜜踩在脚下。却没想到转身遇上神秘男人,邪魅一笑,“老婆,你这辈子都逃不掉了 ……”1w0-98653 >>


内容简介:明姝沉迷于一本小说废寝忘食小说里的反派暴君深得她心奈何身为反派下场奇惨无比!愤怒写下千字差评一觉醒来她穿进了书里成为暴君新出炉的倒霉贵妃。看着眼前活生生的暴君明姝风中凌乱——这不是我崽 ?众人眼里的暴君嗜杀成性心狠手辣是位人人闻之色变的活阎王!明姝眼里的暴君怕黑怕打雷爱撒娇缺乏安全感心地善良嗜甜如命……这是什么绝世小可爱?!呜呜呜崽崽麻麻耐你!!为了改变崽崽惨死的结局母爱泛滥的明姝化身护崽狂魔!怒怼太后痛骂朝臣手撕宫妃……可是等等为什么崽崽看她的眼神越来越不对劲?——司褚幼时总是梦到一个少女她耐心教他读书认字细心为他处理伤口在每个雷雨夜温柔哄他入睡。后来有一天少女不见了。他掘地三尺也没把人找到。于是执念成魔双眼赤红他发了疯。就在他慨叹世间无趣打算毁天灭地的时候。他见到了一双亮晶晶会说话的眼睛。暴君眼神阴郁偏执唇边勾起凉薄笑意好啊倒是自己送上门了。——众人皆知暴君最是厌恶貌美娇弱嚣张跋扈的女子也不知那位娇滴滴的贵妃娘娘能活几时?*你来人间一趟记得看看太阳。1w15139-100627 >>


内容简介:这是一个似是而非的聊斋世界,太后临朝,风华正茂,然朝局动荡,妖鬼频出,一场席卷大周的风暴正在酝酿。当王宵睁开眼的时候,悲哀的发现,老爹押送丝绸,半途失踪,家里欠了五万两银子的巨债,债主 们排队上门,织造局催着要货,未婚妻家想退婚,却又当又立。作为家里唯一的男人,理当挺身而出,可是……地狱般的开局怎么破?1w0-93059 >>


内容简介:神秘少年闯花都,左手金针度世,右手长剑破敌,念头通达无拘束,赚钱泡妞两不误。敌人,斩杀!女神,推倒!众多极品女神纷至沓来,芳心暗许。冷艳总裁、泼辣警花、美艳教师、娇俏校花、千金小姐、妩 媚护士……陈飞宇:我要开疆拓土,打下一个大大的后宫!1w0-4984 >>


内容简介:花季少女米裳终于如愿以偿考进了邻家哥哥付钧所在的高中,然而答应同她交往一个月的付钧却突然变卦,恰好一次考试偶然结识的温柔少年要认她当妹妹,被付钧气到的米裳觉得颇为有趣,便认下了这个干哥 哥。然而性格活泼的米裳压根没注意到,两场裹挟着爱情阴谋的暴风雨正在向她袭来。她一直暗恋的邻居哥哥竟不是人,而是一只不死不灭的千年情蛊1w0-91719 >>


内容简介:  万界穿越,证道真武!万界穿越,证道真武!万界穿越,证道真武!万界穿越,证道真武!1w0-2449

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