Water Crisis Read Online


Duds Hunt

Nakanishi, delinquent just out of reform school, tries in vain to get free of his past. His new job does not satisfy him and he has to suffer the provocations of his boss. One day, an acquaintance from the net introduces him to a game to help him relieve him of his stress: Duds Hunt. One rule: no holds barred... Also contains Awakened Dreams, a colored short story.

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Laura and Gabriel were passionately in love - even though she was the daughter of a wealthy family, while he was a mere stable boy. But when Laura's parents reject the penniless Gabriel's proposal to marry their daughter, he disappears in despair. 7 years later, Laura is burdened by huge debts left by her late parents when Gabriel, now a successful and wealthy investor, appears before her. He is not the man she used to know, as he coldly declares: 'I bet you never thought this day would come. When our positions are reversed!'

Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuuutsu

On the first day of high school, Haruhi Suzumiya make an announcement that stunned everyone: 'I don't have any interest in ordinary people. If anyone here is an alien, time traveler, slider, or esper, please, come see me! That is all.' Kyon, a totally normal human who happens to have the misfortune of sitting at the desk in front of Haruhi's, wondered at first if she was joking. But Haruhi Suzumiya is always serious. Always. In any case, Kyon certainly never intended to get involved in her antics. But when a casual conversation accidentally gives Haruhi the idea to form a club dedicated to the discovery and investigation mysterious phenomena, Kyon finds himself already in over is head, especially when Haruhi makes him her first recruit. Other members of the club include Nagato Yuki, a quiet, bookish girl; Mikuru Asahina, an all-too adorable girl chosen by Haruhi to be the club's 'mascot'; and Koizumi Itsuki, an always-smiling boy chosen by Haruhi to play the role of 'mysterious transfer student'. And so the SOS Brigade is born! Things only become weirder and more difficult for Kyon, however, when he finds out the Haruhi has unknowingly surrounded herself with the very people she has been wishing all this time to discover: Nagato Yuki's actually an alien, Asahina Mikuru's a time traveler, and Koizumi Itsuki's an esper! And why have all of these people appeared in the first place? Why, for Haruhi, of course! Three years ago, Haruhi caused some sort of disturbance that each one of them finds worth investigating. And Kyon, for whatever reason, seems to be the only 'normal' one in the whole group. His biggest question: why him?

Water Crisis

Water Crisis summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Water Crisis. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Husbands of Edith

The Husbands of Edith summary: The Husbands of Edith summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Husbands of Edith. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Savage. summary: Savage. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Savage.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pursuit of Honor

Pursuit of Honor summary: Pursuit of Honor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pursuit of Honor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Two Of Six: A Captain's Dilemma

Two Of Six: A Captain's Dilemma summary: An unexplained malfunction transforms what should have been a pleasure trip through s.p.a.ce into a waking nightmare. Six human crew and pa.s.sengers are on board; the escape pod only fits two. Who lives and who dies? It’s up to the captain to decide. Fortunately, his humanoid navigator Elise is there to a.s.sist. But will she ease, or worsen, his burden of choice? Two of Six: A Captain’s Dilemma is a thought-provoking SF story reminiscent of “12 Angry Men” that touches on what it means to be human–or this *almost* human.
























类别悬疑 玄幻 恋爱










内容简介: 一针千金,一方难求,移星换斗,妙手逆乾坤,金针断生死。 小郎中林源靠着精湛的医术演绎都市传奇,悬壶济世演绎生命奇迹。 妙手回春,悬壶济世,医者为王。 建了个书友群,喜欢 本书的朋友欢迎加入,千金随时冒泡和大家聊天打屁!群号: 4807159851w0-3675 >>




内容简介:【本文文案】被英雄主角逼的走投无路要跳河时,反派忽然发觉自己有喜了。xAxA天青叛军第一把屠刀,天字号流氓头子。出身草莽,没脸没皮,人人喊打。xAxA雪照小皇叔禅让皇位,德高天下,本朝 第一神仙人物,天字号贵族才子精神领袖。xAxA两人各自率军缠斗数年,打得你死我活,生灵涂炭。xAxA小皇叔呕心沥血步步为营终于将这祸国殃民的玩意儿逼至绝境。xAxA面对滔滔急浪,跳河是个死,束手就擒也是个死。天青暴跳如雷地将手下骂走,忽然一阵眩晕,然后……他发觉自己怀孕了?!xAxA叛军:……且慢,这是什么操作,就这活阎王,有人敢压?压的时候什么心情啊?!xAxA朝廷大军:这个烂玩意儿,肯定是和他们主子有一腿,要不就是他手下那些小流氓有一腿,要不就是……xAxA风光无两,受人尊崇的英雄主角沉默了……xA穿书xAxAxA◆◆◆预收文:◆◆◆◆xA文案:缺心眼富二代受vs绯闻缠身、清秀冷淡总裁攻xAxA方也恬家破产后,又惨遭二十余岁高龄由A变O。xAxA借债遭拒时,他偶遇已成为总裁的老同学,总裁老同学还是一如既往的帅气冷淡,却在他求业无门、没钱生活、无家可归等等情况下,一而再、再而三地仗义相助。xAxA他可真是个好人!xAxA可是方也恬却心怀愧疚,因为,他为了生计,向总裁老同学隐藏了自己变O的秘密。xAxA直到方也恬无助地在封闭的剧组忽然遭遇热潮期,正赶上总裁老同学来剧组视察……xAxA老同学仗义、疯狂、几乎失控的“帮助”了他。xAxA事后,腿抖得无法起身的方也恬:他确实是个好人呐!xAxA一个关于友情(暗恋)的故事。xA你为什么绯闻缠身、多年不婚、艳情无数却孑然一身?xAxAxA◆完结文:◆xA文案介绍:前太子受vs前娈宠攻xAxA◆完结文:◆xA文案介绍:白月光再次遇着满世界为他复仇的魔尊。xA……要死了!这可怎么整!1w0-28498 >>


内容简介:她是21世纪的医学界小天才,一朝穿越,居然成了个渣爹不疼、老公不爱、还受尽白莲欺凌的丑陋将军夫人?不行,她!要!报!仇!利用医术修复好脸上的疤痕,她艳惊四座,把白莲花气了个七窍生烟。她 笑眯眯地看着将军大人:夫君,我美吗?他咬牙切齿:谁再敢看你,本将军就把他的眼珠子挖出来!1w16596-25941 >>



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