Suna No Shiro Read Online


Together During Summer, Too

A short full color story about a young couple imagining their holidays.

Da Capo

Every year the flowers bloom. Mysterious Cherry Blossoms blooming all over a crescent shaped island. That island is the island of Hatsune... The main character who goes to Kazami Academy, Asakura Junichi, has the power to see the dreams of other people in his sleep. He was also taught magic by an old lady that allows him to create sweets. One day, Junichi seems to have seen someone`s dream again while he was sleeping. Inside that dream, a girl who was a childhood friend of his appeared. But, he was woken up by his sister Asakura Nemu, forcing him to come back to his regular life. Nemu doesn`t actually have any blood relation to Junichi but their bond is deeper than other real brothers and sisters. So deep that it gives the illusion that they`re lovers. It was another peaceful normal day waking up early in the morning and going to Kazami Academy. Together with childhood friend Amakase Miharu, the academy idol Shirakawa Kotori, the two sisters Mizukoshi Moe and Mako who prefer eating nabe on the school roof for lunch. Going through their day as usual, their childhood friend, Yoshino Sakura, who they thought had moved to America suddenly appears. It was a surprise for Junichi and Nemu. Sakura tells them, 'I came to fulfill the promise we made when we were children...'

Hitorijime Theory

Series of oneshots, some of which feature recurring characters. 1) Theory of Monopoly Sakura and Tachihana have been sharing an apartment and the only bed (platonically) for the past two years. Now as graduation day approaches, is it time for Tachihana to move out? Is there some miscommunication going on? Why have they lived together for 2 years? Will they work it out before Tachihana moves and they never see each other again? 2) Rules of Falling in Love Wakamiya has liked Takao's face for the past 3 years. Now an assistant sensei has come to their college whose face Wakamiya also likes. Sensei shares a love of sweets with Wakamiya, but when he invites them both to his office, it might be Takao he really wants to see. How does Takao feel about all this? 3) Rules of Engagement Continuation of the couple from chapter two. 4) Special Extra School scenes of couples 1, 2, and the sensei. 5) Smile for You Businessman Hirose is always being helped by his coworker, Nagakura. Nagakura even ties his tie for him! Where is all this closeness leading? 6) Thank You for Taking Care of Me Miyoshi is spoiled by his lover and coworker Matsunaga. Miyoshi is always venting his frustrations on Matsunaga, but will he go too far? 7) Afterword

Suna No Shiro

It's about a rich man's daughter and a orphan boy growing up together and falling in love. But when her parents die, her aunt wants to send the boy away to college and make her marry a respectful man to save the family reputation. [From mangatraders] In a quiet area of France during WWII, a very young orphan boy was left on the steps of a large mansion on the same day that a daughter was born to the bourgeois family living there. From that day on, Francis and Natalie grew up together and found themselves falling deeply in love. As talk of their marriage began to stir, Natalie suddenly lost her parents to a plane crash, leaving her aunt as her guardian. This aunt, vehemently opposed to Natalie's engagement to a mere orphan, which drove Natalie and Francis to elope. Unfortunately, they were caught. Rather than be torn apart from each other, Natalie and Francis decide to spend eternity together by jumping off a cliff. Through a cruel twist of fate, however, only Natalie survives...Is there even a smidgen of hope that Natalie will somehow be able to find her love once again? An amazingly well-developed, emotional work of art from Ichijo Yukari.

The Gringos

The Gringos summary: The Gringos summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gringos. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero

Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero summary: Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Priests, Women, and Families

Priests, Women, and Families summary: Priests, Women, and Families summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Priests, Women, and Families. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887)

A List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887) summary: A List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887) summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.






























简介【每周日更新】正义感爆棚的小女警何小萍在一次执行任务时意外被黑道总裁江承宇看上!为完成警队铲除黑道任务,何小萍变身卧底潜伏江承宇身边,寻找江承宇犯罪的证据。呆萌耿直卧底女警何小萍屡屡险漏破绽,冷酷黑二代总裁江承宇对何小萍一见倾心发动追求攻势,且看二人如何智斗?(编:苏禾 绘:琥珀松楽 春风画社)


内容简介:重生异世的楚天舒,发现自己正在与人拜天地,成婚对象居然是当朝公主!要命的是,参加婚礼的人,似乎都巴不得自己这个废物早点死!面对路人白眼、大母加害、强者压迫,身怀金手指的楚天舒很想说:“ 尔等皆是蝼蚁!”天命加身,身怀至宝,修无上功法,娶绝色美人,战至尊强者,握生死权杖!当他凌驾于世界之巅的时候,心生感慨:此一生,总算没有辜负穿越者的威名!1w0-3839 >>


内容简介:重回2004,周安的第一笔小买卖,成本4元!从最不起眼的小买卖做起。4元足以发家!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《逆流2004》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0- 71012 >>




内容简介:【全文已完结,接档文《修真团宠穿成小可怜》已开,求收藏,谢谢づ ̄3 ̄づ】被认回祝家两年后,江一念嫁给了帝都人尽皆知的病秧子。所有人都觉得她爹不疼娘不爱,没享两年福,后半生还得守活寡,真 的可怜到家了。然而——“小可怜”江一念鞭抽厉鬼,脚踩妖魔,掏出一叠灵气逼人的符箓:“倒霉符、驱鬼符、转运符、引魂符、净化符……了解一下?”众人:虽然听不太懂,但是好像很厉害的样子?还有些人:再厉害又怎样?不还是得守活寡?直到他们瞠目结舌地看着“命不久矣”的病秧子徒手将厉鬼撕碎,嚼吧嚼吧吃了,抬眸扫向他们:“嗯?刚刚谁说念念要守活寡来着?”众人惊慌逃离。真的是瞎了眼,一连看错两个人QAQ大佬隐藏得有点深嘤嘤QAQ没过多久,江一念的名字响彻帝都,不是因为她是谁家女儿,也不是因为她是谁家媳妇,只是因为她是江一念。某帝都贵女:“江大师救了我的命,是我的大恩人!”某连锁酒店老总:“江大师救了我全家的性命,是我全家的大恩人!”某娱乐圈大佬:“江大师道法高深,是我们全公司的大恩人!”围观群众瑟瑟发抖:???怕了怕了,告辞!——————新文求预收——————①《修真团宠穿成小可怜》渡劫失败,天才修士叶诗远穿成了豪门备受欺凌的小可怜。渣爹继母,私生子弟妹,嫉妒成性的各路极品粉墨登场。从来没有受过欺负的叶诗远表示没在怕的。渣爹利欲熏心要把她嫁给老男人,叶诗远就直接把他打晕抗到老男人床上,送他二人入洞房。私生女莲言莲语恶心人,叶诗远一发禁言咒丢过去,世界顿时安静。不久后,叶诗远摆脱极品家人,摇身一变,成了举世闻名的玄学大师,从此财源广进,每天数钱数到手软。最重要的是她找到了一个人形火炉,再也不怕被自己的灵力冻死了≧ω≦唯一烦恼的就是明天该想什么理由接近那个孤傲的少年,苦恼jpg邢岸一出生就克死了母亲,从小被亲人送走,龟缩在龙行山上十多年才得以下山。下山后,他主动远离亲人,也从不和任何人交朋友,特立独行的像个侠客。直到叶诗远的出现,让他寡淡的人生多了一丝乐趣。看着这个对他不是摸就是抱的女孩,邢岸以为她馋的是自己的身子,没想到对方馋的只是他的阳气。邢岸:“……”CP:耿直毒舌福星女主vs天煞孤星霉神男主②《我靠种田暴富了重生》作为《真假千金》里面的真千金女主,夏知墨却惨遭穿书女配打脸,亲生父母不认,与养父母关系破裂被扫地出门,最后还被假千金的疯狂爱慕者撞死街头。重生回来的夏知墨表示这破千金我不当了,爱谁谁回老家种田去!没想到灵气复苏,老家的庄园成了其中一个灵气点。从此,古井化灵,井水变药泉,包治百病。院里,各种神奇的植物如雨后春笋般冒了出来。养在井里的百年老龟也拥有了锦鲤的属性,百求必应。夏 >>


内容简介:小说《绝品小农民赵小刚免费》免费阅读,又名《极品小村民》主角:赵小刚、宋雨晴。小说目录全文预览:当赵小刚走到嫂子宋雨晴的门口的时候,便听到了屋内传来阵阵让他太熟悉的声音,每次看日本小电 影的时候就是这种声音,刺激得他血脉膨胀。1w0-49464 >>


内容简介:医学狗胤祚一朝猝死,穿成了康熙早死的六阿哥。胤祚:传说中因为名字犯忌讳被人害死的那个?为了保住小命,他迅速调整了人生规划——不读圣贤书,专心学医理。努力抱大腿,绝不抢皇位!胤祚一心沉迷 医术,努力做个毫无威胁的小纨绔,要是能娶女神林妹妹就更完美了然后他一不小心成了大清最受宠的皇子。康熙:论起贴心,朕之子女无人出胤祚其右。太子:若想欺负六弟,先过了孤这一关。1w0-92469 >>

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