Seiyuu Ichinensei Read Online


Penguin Prince

A Collection of 5 oneshots. 1) The Penguin Prince Ranko is a girl who is frightened by the students in her school until she is labelled as a 'witch'. Murakami is a good-looking boy given the title 'prince' by the other students, especially the female ones. One day, Ranko discovered Murakami's biggest embarassing secret. By understanding the difficulties that Murakami faces as an idol, Ranko begins to know the truth meaning of love. 2) One Thousand Years Love Song It's about this boy who is always enthusiastic when it comes to class activities and attention, and a girl who scored the highest in Japanese history in the same class. She and the boy are appointed as the class representatives. And of course, she has a secret crush on him. Having to spend time with him everyday, she finds herself unable to suppress her feelings for him anymore... 3) Sitting Straight Tea Time t's about a girl who is being forced to learn how to act more lady-like by her sister by learning the proper way of the Japanese tea ceremony. She finds out that she will be taught by a boy who is a known delinquent in her school. However, that boy turned out to be perfectly fit wearing a kimono with no sign of the delinquent in sight. 4) Tea Time With Flowers And You The continuation of story 3 where both of them have become a couple. One day, the boy's first crush comes back and this makes his new girlfriend feel uneasy. Moreover, knowing that he had once confessed to that girl makes her even more anxious. Soon, she learns that he was challenged by that girl that if by the time she came back, he can perform the tea ceremony successfully, she might reconsider his confession. Will he perform well in the tea ceremony and be with his first crush, or will he turn the challenge down, and continue to be together with his current girlfriend? [Story 5] Searching for Four-Leaf Clover He has always been told that he plays piano without a soul. He plays incredibly, but it's like hearing a machine play. One day, he meets a girl that by chance saw him crying while throwing sheet music. Being a considerate person, she believes the piece is important to him and returns it, but the boy scolds her for being a busybody. He realizes the girl's good intentions and apologizes to her. She tells him that while searching for his piece she lost her earring and couldn't find it. The boy finds it easily and he tells her the secret to search for things.

Tsuki No Shippo

Sometimes it seems like Usagi is hopeless. Sure, she's good with healing herbs, but she's the granddaughter of the leader of a prestigious ninja village and she's such a klutz that she's never made it out of the kiddie class. Finally frustrated with Usagi's lack of progress, her grandfather sends her to marry a local lord and have lots of ninja babies. But the lord has no interest in her or her child bearing potential! After years of goofing around, Usagi is finally determined to reach her goals - she's going to become a ninja and capture her true love's heart! Sequel to 'Tsuki no Toiki'


From Attractive Fascinante Chapters 1-5: Revenge Tsujimoto Sensei is well known for 'eating up' the students in his class who are failing. Nishihara is called upon to attend the extra classes for the make-up exam. What kind of teaching will go on behind closed doors? Will Nishihara finally pass or will it be Sensei who finally gets 'called out'? Chapter 6: Eccentric Lover A writer, Risa, whose hobby is sex and his megane editor, Sakaki. But sometimes hobbies can be more dangerous than they appear. Can our writer be saved? What happens to an editor after he removes his glasses? Chapter 7: Return Man Childhood friends, Kensuke and Naoki, are reunited after 13 years. Is this a meeting of love or revenge?

Seiyuu Ichinensei

From Night Constellations: Otaku and idol become seiyuu. Lessons at school, work, colleagues, and unexpected events ... Learn everything about the world through the eyes of a young seiyuu!


Chaos. summary: Chaos. summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Chaos.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Exceptional Godly Thief: The Good For Nothing Seventh Young Lady

The Exceptional Godly Thief: The Good For Nothing Seventh Young Lady summary: The Exceptional Godly Thief: The Good For Nothing Seventh Young Lady summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Exceptional Godly Thief: The Good For Nothing Seventh Young Lady. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Dickens summary: Dickens summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Dickens. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

In the Border Country

In the Border Country summary: In the Border Country summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Border Country. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:  少年苏庭,携陆压传承,穿越仙侠神话世界。  炼就斩仙飞刀,成就雷火之体。  上震云霄,下慑幽冥。  诸天神仙,无敢犯者。  “我有一刀,诸天万界,神仙妖魔,无有不惧者!”  ——   普通书友群:302565465【无需验证。】  正版v群:573259707【1000粉丝值,需验证。】  执事群:337599684【5000粉丝值,需验证。】1w0-4546 >>




内容简介:  唐皎皎作为国公府嫡小姐,在太后膝下长大,要风得风要雨的雨,唯一不顺的便是下嫁给无名小卒吴谦尘。一朝变故,太后仙逝,与君和离,她沦为伶仃无依的孤女。殊不知,踏出皇宫的那一刻,才是一切 的开始!1w0-757 >>


内容简介:白玖笔趣阁,白玖sodu,白玖小说,白玖顶点,白玖佚名,精选来自————虫星第一心理治疗师强强重生星际爽文【预收同系列《虫星第一司法审判官》】文案秦斯,编号008的失败实验体。他醒来的 第一天就被告知,拥有超强体力和变异能力,以及超高智商的他,是被制造出来的,整个虫星最完美的杀戮机器,然而因为基因链条的错乱,他注定无法理解正常虫的情感。上辈子因背叛而死去,再次醒来后却发现自己重生到了一个边陲小镇,还是个看上去柔柔弱弱手无缚鸡之力的沉默少年。然而……秦斯面无表情,徒手拧断第一百零八只杀手虫的脖子,拍了拍手:“不好意思,依旧很强。”不被杀,就只能先发制虫,步步为营。秦斯深谙此道。以身相许还了救命恩虫的恩情,他孤身一虫前往帝都,一边蛰伏一边顺手惩恶扬善,扫荡冤屈,谁知一不小心平步青云,一朝从第一通缉犯首位,坐上了首席司法审判席。秦斯:无情道真好,我爱无情道。等到大权独揽,坐拥江山,高处不胜寒的秦斯想起了前世最终将他推向绝境的宿敌,于是一挥手,想着怎么将他挫骨扬灰。但是……等等,这个被锁着的眼泪涟涟的美雌,怎么有点眼熟?[啊,发现同床共枕的恩虫是前世宿敌怎么办?在线等,不太急。]莫得感情超强虫形兵器冷酷审判官攻X大龄傻白甜流氓博士受本文文案古地球时期的金牌心理治疗师郁涉重生到了虫星,成了科研所培养出的一只身娇体弱的幼年雄虫,身边就是反社会型虫格大反派。为了净化反派,郁涉重操旧业,每天和统帅大人一起睡觉聊天讲故事,时不时的撒个娇,背地里替他铺路顺便考个医师证件步步高升。然而好巧不巧,二次分化后,他居然长出了一双翅膀?还因此成了全星际虫网公选的最美雄虫?郁涉:过誉,请问有什么办法可以把这玩意收回去吗?白玖严肃且害羞地瞄了一眼又一眼:“今天画完房树人,我想画阿涉的翅膀。”郁涉:“……”我拒绝。一次统帅在接受采访时无意中说漏了嘴,所有虫都沸腾了,【扒一扒那个统帅背后的雄主:那个让冷酷统帅每天乖乖巧巧画简笔画的虫,居然跟那只最美雄虫撞脸?他究竟是何方神圣?】【第一军校:郁涉我校特聘心理学博士,领域开拓第一虫。】【帝国皇室:郁涉遗失在外的十三皇子。】【兽族:郁涉用催眠打败我们的小克星?】【最高统帅:郁涉私属专虫,我的挚爱。】众虫:什么都没有,fine。日常嫉妒而已。我们一点也不酸。真的。柠檬本柠jpg沉稳小天使牌大佬攻X冷酷腹黑统帅受——我的灵魂穿越宇宙给你拥抱。——我对你的爱意在这具身体内生生不息。【食用指南】1互宠治愈系。2虫族设定以大流为准,偶见私设~3避雷:有蛋,正文大概完结在生子前,双C。4一般每晚九点更新,有事请假。1w0-79720 >>





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