Ouji Romantica Read Online


Jikan Akima Jinbutsu

'There’s only one rule: don’t leave this apartment.' After his girlfriend was murdered, Takeshi brings the killer, Koichi, back to his apartment in order to carry out an unprecedented form of 'revenge'. By treating the man who he should hate gently, what does he hope to accomplish? And what is the actual result of carrying out his revenge? A unique book about an eccentric type of 'Love'.

Kami To Sengoku Seitokai

Katsuragi lost his parents in an accident and is now all alone. He missed the first months of school and now he arrives to be put through a lot of weird occurences. The school he is attending is said to be the center of the universe and he must fight to become the king. His opponent however was a crybaby he used to protect. Does he have what it takes to fight against his childhood friend, deal with girl problems and prove his nickname, the unsinkable? '...if you actually decide to go for it... and do become president of the student council..' '...i'll let you have your way with me' 'This school... is at the center of the entire universe' 'I belong to you... Musashi.' Those were the words of Vice President of the Student Council, Kagura Mami that were said to Katsuragi Musashi on the first day they met. What's the secret of that school? What's the mystery behind it all? And what's the past that haunts Kagura and Katsuragi?

Strike Witches - Official Comics A La Carte

Strike Witches - Official Comics a la Carte summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Strike Witches - Official Comics a la Carte. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ouji Romantica

• Pure Erotica - Heartbroken by her first love, senior high year 2 student, Rika develops a fear of romance. One day, she finds out her first love's weak point! From then on, she starts her revenge... • Ouji Romantica - Yaguchi Rinko is the neat and lovely princess of her school. Not! She has always been unsmart, non-ladylike, and a tomboy, which is why she's been dumped by all her previous boyfriends. All of a sudden, the prince of the school, Onozuka Shirou, appears and offers to 'pretend' to go out with Princess Rinko... • My Girlfriend is Romeo - Shimizu Ryou, a girl, was transferred to a new school (due to her parents work) . Seiya was the prince of the school until she came. He loses to her at everything. One day, he saw her cute side and tells her she's cute. After that day, she hasn't been coming to school. Why? • Prince, Kiss and Sleeping Beauty - Shiya has a phobia of boys. What can she do, but ask the almighty “prince” of the school for help? The prince is shocked that this girl doesn’t like him, and decides to make her fall in love with him! But Shiya has a weird curse: everytime a boy touches her, she faints! - Chiri Star

The Captain's Toll-Gate

The Captain's Toll-Gate summary: The Captain's Toll-Gate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Captain's Toll-Gate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Royle - How To Propose To A Prince

Royle - How To Propose To A Prince summary: Royle - How To Propose To A Prince summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Royle - How To Propose To A Prince. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life and Habit

Life and Habit summary: Life and Habit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life and Habit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet

Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet summary: Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


简介U时代的校园爆笑王,爱干不正经事;阿U是你的开心保镖,是你的幽默大使,负责你每天的嬉笑玩乐。数不尽的囧事、看不完的搞怪,让阿U玩转你的校园生活!! 阿U又回来啦!每周都有更新呢!【授权】


















类别玄幻 恋爱 生活












内容简介:  PS:开了新书,《我真是非洲酋长》,请大家移步去看看。****  爱蓝天,爱绿树,更爱波澜浩瀚的大海。  浅海鱼,深海鱼,龙虾还有大海蟹,吃货的世界怎么能少了海鲜?  快艇,游艇, 海钓艇,还有巡航艇,其实豪华游轮才是王道。  家里养着棕熊、白熊和浣熊,渔场还有海豚、白鲸和海獭,神马海狸、黑足雪貂、格陵兰小海豹,我的渔场应有尽有!  没事闲坐钓鱼台,呼朋唤友赌珍珠。  开上游艇逛七海,沉船宝藏我来捞。  大家好,我是秦时鸥,我用笔记录我在加拿大渔场的悠闲生活。  1w0-458 >>


内容简介:  “江小白的嘴,害人的鬼!”  大符师江白研制灵运符时被炸死,一睁眼就成了十八线小明星江小白,意外喜提“乌鸦嘴”技能。  好的不灵坏的灵?影后的嘴大约是开过光!  娱乐圈一众人瑟瑟发 抖:“影后,求别开口!”(无男主文嗷~)1w0-64 >>


内容简介:主角是杨雨欣老周的小说又叫纯纯昧动、老爸与女儿等,讲述杨雨欣今年十八岁,自从初中毕业后,就辍学在家跟着父亲务农,处于青春期的她,对于异性的身体,是非常好奇的,雨欣虽然不是老周亲生的,但 从小养到大,也算是自己闺女,当看到那丰满的部位时,他还是没忍住多看了两眼。1w28608-86045 >>


内容简介:  【已完结,新文《萌妻总是在打脸》】炮灰女配简一凌摇身一变成了隐藏大佬,不仅对男主没了兴趣,还随时能牛叉闪闪地闪瞎众人的眼。  原本厌恶简一凌的简家哥哥们更是轮流上演着护犊子大戏:   “我家小妹胆子小,你们可别吓着她了。”  “我家小妹没出过远门,你们可别坑她。”  “我家小妹身体不好,你们别欺负她。”  众人欲哭无泪,你们确定你们家的那个大佬软萌可欺吗?  还欺负她,谁敢啊!  众人以为简家哥哥已经够过分的了,结果还有一个更过分的:  晟爷:“我家一凌很娇气,受不得气,你们给爷气病了,爷就剁了你们给她炖补汤。”  众人:晟爷你的眼睛有问题!建议看眼科!  1w0-3786 >>




内容简介:刚过完十八岁生日的苏浅浅,意外穿进一本书里。还没来得及担心掉马,她就被原主街头做小混混的哥哥,抵给了富二代当媳妇儿。G市一中的顾墨言,无人不知无人不晓,自从他进入一中后,校草的人选五年 没换过。没错,校草他虽然有颜有钱,却是个留了两年学,年满二十的大龄学渣。就在众人以为,顾墨言今年又要垫底时,他带着他的媳妇儿上学来了。据说,校草的媳妇儿不但目不识丁,还智力低下。果然,一模成绩公布,顾墨言终于不再是倒数第一。众人:“你们有钱人真会玩!”~~~~~~炸毛校草:“这题你也不会,上课你在干什么?”哭唧唧小媳妇:“你的也是错的。”校草:“”这是个倒数第二给倒数第一讲题,一个敢讲一个敢听,最后倒数第二硬生生把自己逼成学霸的故事!软萌怂包女主VS炸毛傲娇男主预收一:《帝国元帅偷了我的毛绒绒》星历2026年的帝国,男女比例严重失衡,已达到五比三。经过末世病毒的进化,男人大多拥有精神体,战斗力爆表。而女人极少有精神体,身体柔弱,宛如笼中雀般被圈养。地球少女凤暖暖一朝穿越到星际,刚凝聚出精神体,就被不知道从哪跑来的兽把她的精神体给——吞了。面对父亲战死,母亲抑郁自杀,自己精神体还被吞了的悲催现实面前,不想沦为生育工具的凤暖暖不得不装成病弱少年,顶着烈士遗孤的身份,进入帝国军校学习。有一天,她的精神体突然回来了,身上却带着一股难以言说的味道。直到她在那个据说是帝国战神元帅的身上,闻到了与她精神体上一模一样的味道……外表软萌内心戏多欢脱地球少女VS外表正直温润内心霸道黏人帝国元帅预收二:穿成暴君的心尖宠陆昭媛一朝胎穿,吧唧落地,成了公主——亡国的!便宜父皇还在宫破前坑了她一把,把她当成太子,塞给前来救驾的将军,寄予了复国的使命。顶着亡国太子头衔的陆昭媛,为了不被推上造反那条不归路,只能装痴傻,做个低能儿。某一日,正准备跑路的她被个小和尚给抢走了。什么?这小和尚是新帝的儿子!什么?这小和尚是重生的!什么?这小和尚上辈子的朱砂痣是她!陆昭媛发现,自从遇到小和尚,她的气运瞬间就好了。1w0-82038 >>

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