Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Read Online


Nikoichi (Nakamura Asumiko)

Nikoichi (NAKAMURA Asumiko) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nikoichi (NAKAMURA Asumiko). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

First Love Malisa

The sweet and the sour of a first love! Boy or girl, everyone is looking forward to that first encounter. No words can describe the nervousness and excitement felt at that destined moment! Perhaps the story of your first love, too, is collected in the First Love MALISA series. Malisa Lin's new work is filled with delicate artwork, elaborate drama, rich laugh-out-loud moments, and perfect endings. This series tells stories of 'falling in love'

Ashita No Ousama

From Wingtip Cafe: Yu has found the stage full of dreams and happiness. Fascinated by magic of the drama, she struggles to be a stage director and a scriptwriter. This is her drama.

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

The show starts by introducing youth buddies with quite a powerful and close camaraderie Syaoran, a young archaeologist who's investigating a ruin inside Sakura, and the Kingdom of Clow, princess of the Kingdom of Clow and daughter of the late king Clow Reed. When Sakura and Syaoran in the ruins visit, her spirit assumes the type of a set of wings that are ghostly that disintegrate to other measurements. Syaoran satisfies the Dimensional Witch, Yuko Ichihara, to whom he begs for aid to conserve Sakura as she descends into a catatonic near-death state. Yuko can be seen by two the others who each have their particular wish: Kurogane, a ninja who wants to go back to his house world after being banished from his world by Princess Tomoyo to enable him to understand what true power is; and Fai D. Flowright, a wizard who wants to never return to his house world, Celes, to prevent his king, Ashura-?. In trade for the power to go across measurements, Yuko needs that each spend with that they value most: his sword Ginry is offered by Kurogane?; Fai and Syaoran offer the tat that suppresses his tremendous magic strength and energy and all of Sakura's recollections that call for him, respectively. Yuko then provides an animal named Mokona Modoki that sends the team on a journey across measurements in search of Sakura's feathers to them. After getting the primary feathers, Sakura begins regaining her memories and awakens from her catatonic state. During their experiences, the group slowly grows nearer to to the level that they are jokingly labeled by Fai as relatives. As they journey, they discover the feathers will bestow several unnatural powers to those that possess them and have their own unique capabilities. Throughout their trip in Tokyo, the team finds that Syaoran is in truth a clone imbued with half the heart of the first Syaoran. Many years back, Fei- produced the clone to gather Sakura's feathers and the magician who caused her recollections to be lost by Sakura, Wang Reed, took the first Syaoran prisoner. Soon following the first Syaoran breaks of Fei-Wang the maintain of, his heart is lost by the clone and becomes an puppet that follows Fei Wang's will, betraying the team. The first Syaoran joins with Sakura wanting to save the clone in the team trip. Foreseeing another in which Fai kills the first Syaoran driven by Fei-Wang the hex of, Sakura gets stabbed in his area, but in once divides soul and her body, delivering each to Seresu distinct worlds as well as the Dream World, respectively. In the Dream World, Sakura's soul is destroied by the Syaoran clone when attempting get the feathers. Before her soul perishes, Sakura shows that she is a clone of the first Sakura who had been also taken prisoner by Fei Wang. Fei Wang subsequently requires Sakura's body to utilize its energy that is stored. The team departs to save the two Sakuras understanding from Yuko that Fei Wang is within an alternative measurement in the Kingdom of Clow. Such measurement that is parallel is the effect of Syaoran's desire to conserve the first Sakura from Fei Wang's bane years back. In order to allow his want, Syaoran became Fei Wang's prisoner and Kimihiro Watanuki, Yuko's helper, was used to replace Syaoran within the background in his first world. The team combat Fei Wang who ruins the Syaoran clone when he betrays him. Then he uses power of the two Sakuras and the immeasurably powerful power to resurrect Yuko, accidentally frozen in time by Clow Reed her departure to prevent, therein establishing himself Clow's not inferior. Yuko utilizes Clow's magic as payment and her existence to help make the clones reborn before to dwell together. As the 2 understand all the string' events would recur, themselves are sealed by the clones before the conflict against him in the store of Yuko. The team manages to destroy Fei Wang, who traps Syaoran in a void between area and time, pulling along both Watanuki and his clone as a result of the link. Using their originator's departure, both clones of Syaoran and Sakura disappear leaving two feathers. Watanuki and Syaoran escape in the emptiness to get a cost: Syaoran should carry on while Watanuki should remain in the store of Yuko, going through the measurements eternally. Where Fai, Kurogane, and Mokona choose to join Syaoran once again in expectation of getting a means to restore the clones who remain as the two feathers the team rests in the Kingdom of Clow. Before departing on their different ways, Sakura and Syaoran admit their near, mutually powerful and pure intimate love for every other as they expect to fulfill again.

The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose

The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose summary: The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Calling - Honor Calls

The Calling - Honor Calls summary: The Calling - Honor Calls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Calling - Honor Calls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Supreme Lord

Supreme Lord summary: Supreme Lord summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Supreme Lord. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Terminal State

The Terminal State summary: The Terminal State summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Terminal State. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.






新朝将至,万象涅磐,看似充满生机的陈朝,相对于旧宫人便是死期将至。 万人皆想活唯废妃一心求死。 一品大将军姜沉负责梳理前朝人员,当查到冷宫处见到求死的秦慕雪突然不想死了,还跪地求情,便认定这个女人心机颇深,十分留意。一次深宫刺杀追击,暗中见秦慕雪使用绣花针一击毙命采花大盗,心生一计,赐了这个女人新的




类别都市 恋爱 霸总








简介世界因为宇宙风暴带来的暗物质开始出现一种流行病,暗病毒(Dark Virus),感染者会变的虚弱,甚至死亡,而且通过接触会传染给其他人,但是有一部分人通过DV病毒改变了身体机能,完全控制了病毒,拥有了超能力,故事是在在流行病出现的100年后——


简介唐僧悟空师徒四人被陷害,魂飞魄散,他们的灵魂到达另外一个世界,其中悟空的灵魂附身在一个男屌丝学生身上。师徒四人一方面躲避同样到达这个世界的神秘势力的追杀,一面想方设法回到原来的世界,走完取经的最后一程…… 欢迎关注《狠西游》微博:@狠西游,微信公众号:henxiyou,官方QQ群:271760962














内容简介:专栏求收藏,更新时间为晚上八点半预收文鬼才信你的邪,每天做梦戏还这么多求收藏啦为了获取星际能量,皓玉滚进上层世界与nc们一起搞事情,本想乖乖巧巧带着炮灰身份走南闯北,却总被举报欺负人。 小剧场系统当我们在遇上主角的时候,要温柔。敲黑板jg第二天传来主角挂掉的举报消息。系统嗯系统这个世界的丧尸王很强啊,我们绕道走。第二天传来了丧尸王恋爱的举报消息。系统这个,这个情况有点复杂,你先给我穿好衣服明明走得一手好剧情假的却总被系统吐槽的皓玉你好凶假装乖巧时忠犬时流氓每天拿错剧本大佬攻x每天装乖巧装可怜傲娇起来六亲不认树妖受正在更新世界问青梅竹马变成丧尸还要跟我过和谐生活怎么办丧尸们结婚结婚全部世界1贵胄古代复国忠犬敌国将军x亡国傲娇太子已完成2末世青梅竹马沙系丧尸王x治愈系植物异能者3同门现代玄幻灵异闷骚大师兄x诱受小师弟4五味古代美食恶毒的美食品论家王爷x傲娇小厨师5猫妖现代玄幻高冷腹黑总裁x小白兔草系校草6暖冬古代abo年下宅斗富人家的傲娇小少爷x商人家的落魄嫡子正在不断思考脑洞1苏苏苏,甜甜甜,1v1,he没毛病。2受前期武力值实打实负分,一般不怂,但怂起来一定是认真的。品种自带技能,治愈能力。3新人新文,文笔逻辑正在努力摸爬打滚,求打包带走哼唧下放每天做梦戏还那么多文案腹黑精分流量大神攻x貌美淡定无形撩宠物博主受某天,舔屏成瘾的“菌菇”们发现,他们的沈大神回国了还拍了新电影真是喜闻乐见在电影的首映礼上天呐站在大神身边的小哥哥叫什么名字啊长得好好看舔屏舔屏咦小哥哥怀里抱着的好像是最近超火的那只网红狗哎等等,小哥哥的声音怎么这么像某个知名宠物博主啊在漫长的反射弧下,菇凉们大声哭喊求实锤啊啊啊啊啊一阵时间后,某宠物博主直播间因为之前求石锤而入坑的“菌菇”们吸狗g。等等,那只刚刚从镜头里跑过去的柯基不是他们沈大神家的镇家之宝吗隔壁小孩都被捶哭了当然这还不够,影后的蜜袋鼯,隔壁流量小生的布偶猫,还有还有歌神家的宝贝水獭这是动物园吗腹黑精分流量大神攻x貌美淡定无形撩宠物博主受一场意外车祸,影帝重生到平行世界的十七岁,不过这副看上去是得了抑郁症第二天就要写遗书的模样是给谁看啊这是一个求生欲极强的影帝重生再战娱乐圈顺便在梦里勾引大神的故事,梦里亲亲抱抱,现实双向暗恋。11v1,he,主娱乐圈,可能会有几对其他西皮2只要攻受一方睡前在潜意识里想到对方,就可以在梦中见到彼此,但双方并不知情。推荐家里仙女的耽美论拎回老攻的正确姿势by夏珩想跑对不起,抓住你了被八个主角联名举报以后by三串葡萄走上了一条培养反派的不归路魔尊今天也在攻略徒弟by凤箫吹断师尊很骚气推荐家里仙女的 >>


内容简介:  这是属于我们唐门的世界,一个个你们所熟悉的唐门英雄会在这场众神之战的大舞台中登场。还记得光之子中的长弓威、狂神雷翔、死神阿呆、仙帝海龙、天帝天痕、琴帝叶音竹、冰火魔厨融念冰、酒神世 界的烈焰和姬动、天珠变世界的大力神周维清以及我们的唐三、霍雨浩吗?在这本唐门英雄传中,他们会一一登场,这是属于我们唐门的一场众神之战!燃烧吧,青春的热血!1w0-308 >>


内容简介:女朋友嫌林云穷,跟着富二代跑了,结果突然冒出个首富外公来跟林云相认。“你为什么现在才来跟我相认,我就是饿死,死外边,也绝对不会跟你相认的!”“叮,银行卡到账一亿!”“嗯,真香……”成为 富三代后,林云渐渐明白一个真理,有钱真好!1w1243-29059 >>


内容简介:唐粟的桌宠游戏与超英宇宙联动,他在星星盾上贴kitty贴纸,把红铁罐换成粉的,或者是在某个铁手臂上画红星星,给某个黑披风猫耳男配备猫尾道具。游戏很有趣,只是他每晚都会梦见自己穿进游戏, 给超英们做饭洗澡甚至还要陪他们睡觉。有一天他突破次元壁,带着自己的花店穿越到纽约,超英纷纷出现。唐粟:我觉得以纽约毁灭的速度,当务之急是去买份保险。唐粟:我承认我偷偷捏过美国翘臀,摸过酥皮的胸肌,戳过大蝙蝠的猫耳……但那又如何,我们是纯洁的兄弟情!主角的能力是把超英变成桌宠然后疗伤。莫得逻辑,莫得剧情,就想写日常小甜饼,沉重话题会略过。时间线会有改动。ooc属于我,男神属于大家。团宠向,1v1,cp盾盾。一句话简介:对桌宠为所欲为后穿越了!1w0-105805 >>



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