Love Romance Sweet Kiss Read Online


Diamond Life

Kanae dropped out of high school, because her father is a gambler while her mother ran away with her boyfriend. Kanae is twenty-two years old, and very poor working for a cleaning shop. She comes to have something to do with Haruki Oda quite by chance. Haruki is an IT millionaire and called 'money-mad man,' or 'the god of death.' Then Kanae's life makes a sudden development. Money cannot be made by love alone, though love cannot be bought with money. People of today want to have both love and money. This get-happy-story is a must read for the present-day people.

Cynthia The Mission

Cynthia comes from a family of assassins. She acts as a part-time student who's BALD (she only appears that way), and she continously receives orders from the organization to assassinate people. The story opens with her and 2 friends going shopping for hair growth solution, when a new mission comes up. Her master, who taught her everything she knew 3 years back, was hired as the target's bodyguard. The two must fight, but what will the outcome be? Read on!

Watashi No Kakurega E Douzo

The first story is on the various customers who visit this little bar called Venez Chez Moi (Come to my home / house). Next, World Market is on a struggling writer who writes rather trashy stories based on the experiences of the people around him with their colorful pasts and encounters. Chapter 3 is a supernatural side story with the characters from So wa Reirei no Yuki ni Mai. Aun is a side story featuring one of the customers from Chapter 1. Lastly, we have another side story with the characters from Afuresouna Pool.

Love Romance Sweet Kiss

1-3) Romance Handsome features, magnificent physique, the returning elite of America: Saeki, the bespectacled beauty of the Systems Department. While Kurahashi is the perpetrator of a crime! His pride is unforgivable. He has a ruthless attitude, so why does his hot gaze stir up Saeki's heart? 4) Rainy Weather, 1pm in the Afternoon Yoshizawa and Mori work in the same company but different departments, though they often meet up on the rooftop for breaks. Mori always gives Yoshizawa candy, but it isn't long before Yoshizawa is craving more than sweets from his ever cheery coworker... 5) The First Civil Servant A history lesson from our favorite lawyers. 6) Throbbing Kiss and Love Independent lawyer Oosawa is surprised to see that the new prosecutor is Suzuki, his old college classmate. Oosawa had forgotten kissing Suzuki in a drunken moment, but now he can't forget how sweetly Suzuki kissed him back. 7) Children Can Never Understand Fukaya is asked by a friend to help tutor intense student Kuroda. Fukaya is still brooding over his 6 month old break-up with his ex, but Kuroda is quickly getting under the older man's skin with his perceptive attention and lack of understanding about personal space.

Golden Time Gaiden – Nijigen-kun Special

Golden Time Gaiden – Nijigen-kun Special summary: Nijigen is a freshman and Banri’s friend. He gains his nickname at the tea ceremony club’s welcoming party after declaring his despair of the three-dimensional world and that he would live for the two-dimensional world from then on. His nickname in high school was “Satoutaka”.

Literary Superstar

Literary Superstar summary: From the Galaxy award to the Nebula Award. From ” Mars Rescue ” to ” Three-Body “. From base series to walking in the galaxy. Creating the three laws of robotics, to setting the Dark Forest Laws, Young artist Lin Han sets off sci-fi craze.

The Battle Of Britain

The Battle Of Britain summary: The Battle Of Britain summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Battle Of Britain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Cobwebs from an Empty Skull

Cobwebs from an Empty Skull summary: Cobwebs from an Empty Skull summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Cobwebs from an Empty Skull. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.































内容简介:  直径十公里的陨石撞击蓝星,人类的绝命拦截能否拯救自己的命运?  撞击所掀起的尘埃遮蔽了天空,令世界陷入了将持续上百年暗无天日的极寒长夜。  不见天日的地表因为缺少了阳光的照耀而陷入 了零下几十度的极寒。  在这样的末日之下,只有一个自己挖的避难所与捡到的升级系统,陈新该如何渡过末日的危机,让自己活下来?  人类文明是否能够延续,希望的火种能否照亮这个寒夜为人类带去温暖?  命运已经给出了考题,人类是否能够交出和当年被灭绝的恐龙不一样的答卷?  本书背景设定有参考幽灵校长的千本科幻第58、59期内容,特此声明。  书友群6714881551w0-1771 >>


内容简介:他不断破坏着这个世界的潜规则,却一直认为自己是个正直向上的大好青年。他被无数上流社会的家伙恨之入骨,却能够在民众心中拥有至高无上的地位。身负血海深仇,腹黑的顶尖特种兵回归都市,极爽极热 血!精彩章节尽在《都市邪王》!求订阅!1w0-1085 >>


内容简介:肖舒快穿任务,在不同世界扮演小三,和渣男zuoai,收集jingye,走剧情和nue女主,让女主重生黑化。勾引闺蜜男友姐姐助六皇子夺得皇位,妹妹勾引六皇子zuo皇贵妃嫉妒真千金的假千金 勾引哥哥,挑拨豪门兄妹情1w0-96421 >>


内容简介:【反派偏传统升级爽文】穿越玄幻世界,人生18年碌碌无为看下自己的信息。【姓名】:宁拓【命格】:血光之灾、平平无奇【人生剧本】:《废柴逆袭传》小炮灰再看路边的乞丐小女孩。【姓名】:叶清歌 【命格】:女帝转世、天命之女、旺夫【人生剧本】:《天命女帝》主角【近期机缘】:三个月后洗尽铅华,紫气东来三万里,觉醒前世无上神资好在觉醒金手指系统后,我可以看穿他人的人生剧1w88975-92441 >>


内容简介:十年婚姻!安暖以为自己嫁了绝世好男人。殊不知,这个男人却将她亲手逼上死路!他以婚姻的名义玩弄她的感情,算计她的家产,甚至灭掉整个安氏家族,只为博真爱一笑。一场蓄谋已久的谋杀,让她一朝重 生在了十年前!这一世,她一定要让他身败名裂,让他的家族灰飞烟灭,让他的情人不得好死,她要让那些所有伤害过她的人,百倍偿还!为此,她重生后第一件事情就是拒绝渣男,毅然嫁给上一世的死对头,这一世不应该去招惹的超级1w4605-25799 >>


内容简介:陆羽穿越到海贼世界我的操纵果实,被路飞邀请当了草帽海贼船的副船长,从此……草帽海贼团被玩坏了。刚一出海,路飞就被悬赏了一亿贝里。海贼猎人索隆被悬赏5000万贝里。小贼猫娜美被悬赏100 0万贝里。而罪魁祸首陆羽则被悬赏区区100万贝里。这让路飞几人郁闷不已。明明他们什么都没做,却被高额悬赏。而罪魁祸首却只被悬赏100万。路飞表示:我不服。索隆:附议。小贼猫娜美:路飞和索隆能兑现吗?1w0-65525 >>

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