Yu-Gi-Oh Ocg Stories Read Online


Nakizakura Kitan

While wandering about, Masachika stops by to watch a traveling troupe perform. Captivated by the sight of an oni maiden dancing in a whirl of cherry blossoms, he redeems her and takes her as his traveling companion. He names her Ouka and treats her kindly. She slowly opens up to him; however, having experienced little warmth in her life, she is also unsettled by his kindness. As for her final resolve... Other stories in this anthology: - Mugen Dokei - Sandglass no Ori - Hana no Canon

Kiitarou Shounen No Youkai Enikki

From MangaHelpers: This is the visual diary of Kiitarou's experience with youkai. He's a boy with a very strong spirit sense, but when he entered a forbidden storehouse, he was kicked out of his home. He soon found a new place to live, where he met a zashiki warashi (house spirit) named Suzu. He and Suzu soon began to attract all kinds of spirit creatures, starting with a nurikabe (appears as a wall that impedes travelers) and mokumokuren (appears as eyes in a torn paper wall). What kind of folkloric creature will he meet next? [tethysdust]

Orange Delivery

Through middle school, best friends Miho Shirokawa and Miho Yoshii bowled together. But since Miho Yoshii has moved to a high school in Hokkaido, Miho Shirokawa just hasn't enjoyed bowling like she used to. One day Yoshii calls to talk about her interest in a new sport-- curling! Yoshii's high school curling team has decided to try to make it into the next olympic winter games! Shirokawa thinks about quitting bowling and joining a curling team as well, but unfortunately, there isn't one at her high school. At least, there isn't until Shirokawa accidentally sells the idea to a former figure skater, Rin, and her friend Endou. Before she realizes what's happening, Shirokawa's has become the founding leader of her school's Curling Club! How will she face all the difficulties of starting up the team, when she only has the vaguest idea of what the sport of curling is even about?! [tethysdust]

Yu-Gi-Oh Ocg Stories

In the distant past, the prosperous nation of Kama waged war against the nation of Spectra, resulting in the creation of an AI that wiped out all humans. Centuries later, Raye, the last surviving human, lives amongst an android society on the outskirts of Kama. On the night of her 13th birthday, her peaceful life is upended when Spectra attacks, destroying her home and forcing her friends to the front lines. Desperate to save everything she loves, Raye calls upon humanity's last bastion: 'Sky Striker', the Kama-developed secret technology made to turn humans into the ultimate living weapons. …Unexpected, right? In this newest adaptation of Yu-Gi-Oh, the focus of the plot is not on the card game, but instead the many storylines featured in the cards. The first arc surrounds the Sky Striker series, with more to come in the future.

The Winds Of Winter

The Winds Of Winter summary: The Winds Of Winter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Winds Of Winter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Story of Crisco

The Story of Crisco summary: The Story of Crisco summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of Crisco. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Selections from Poe

Selections from Poe summary: Selections from Poe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Selections from Poe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hunter Kiss: Labyrinth Of Stars

Hunter Kiss: Labyrinth Of Stars summary: Hunter Kiss: Labyrinth Of Stars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hunter Kiss: Labyrinth Of Stars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


























类别总裁 逆袭




类别都市 恋爱 生活


内容简介:刁蛮霸道、骄奢淫逸的承平公主在一场意外中昏迷不醒。十年后再次睁眼,却发现这个世界已经变了天。无条件宠爱她的父皇刚驾崩,继位的是她死对头萧贵妃的儿子,当年在她这里处处吃瘪的萧贵妃摇身一变 成了垂帘听政的皇太后。而那位曾被她见色起意,绑回去百般调戏羞辱的状元郎,成了一手遮天的权臣。承平看着眼前熟悉又陌生的宫阙想,莫非这就是佛家所说的报应?就不是个好东西的公主x看着一本正经、又隐隐透出绿茶气息的状元郎1w30720-98194 >>


内容简介:荣臻,云国大将军之女,骁勇善战,为国取得边疆和平。战后与家人荣归故里,本想在故土过安稳日子,不料皇太后的一纸婚约,将她许配给了小自己五岁的小皇帝,借武将势力制衡朝野平稳,也将她卷入后宫 的惨烈斗争中。为保全家族不被牵连,荣臻辅佐顽劣小皇帝,与想夺权的宰相陆崤逸展开周旋。不料一番赤子之情被人利用,几度起伏,九死一生。她心如棋盘,算尽天下事,却从未料到这一生,竟也有人愿意对她一腔热情,甚至情愿成为她1w0-32005 >>


内容简介:造反的丈夫也重生了是由木妖娆所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供造反的丈夫也重生了最新章节阅读造反的丈夫也重生了全文阅读造反的丈夫也重生了免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现造反的丈夫也重生了更新 慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-78168 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者芒果的经典小说:《开局救萝莉奖励三十亿》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说人生逆境惨如狗,一朝系统破天吼。高考前夕,学霸杨明因为勇救落水少女而 突发高烧导致名落孙山,同时惨遭绿茶女友的羞辱与抛弃,就在他万念俱灰之际却因祸得福开启了钻石人生至尊系统,掌巨富,握权柄。绿茶女友:求求你了亲爱的,都是我的错,我不该那么对你,你原谅我吧杨明:滚!曾经的你对我爱答不理,如今的我让你高攀不起。杨明在装逼的道路上越走越远……1w0-66210 >>


内容简介:贺凌峰直播带货,客户来自诸天万界!“恶魔果实滞销,帮帮我们!”“这天空套也太好看了吧?买它!买它!买它!”“现场开箱评测钢铁侠血边装甲,史上最高性价比!”“今晚八点,紫霞仙子做客直播间 ,不见不散!”“拍卖恒星、黑洞,价高者得!”(已有完本精品《万界黑科技聊天群》、《别给我刷黑科技啦》等更的朋友可以先看老书!)我给万界直播带货地址:1w0-72234 >>


内容简介:季明舒和岑森结婚的第一年,岑森远赴澳洲开拓海外市场。第三年,岑森回国。季明舒朝他脸上扔了一张离婚协议书,妄图结束这段丧偶式婚姻。岑森闭眼按住纸张,安静三秒后又将其压至桌面,神色自若道: “明舒,我尊重你的意见,不过你可能需要我帮你回顾一下婚前协议,离婚以后,你恐怕没办法继续收集稀有皮birkin,坐私人飞机去米兰看秀,眼都不眨拍下十五克拉斯里兰卡帕德玛蓝宝钻戒……”“等等!”季明舒忽然清醒,“我觉得……还能再忍一下。”- 骄纵大小姐x腹黑大boss- 何其有幸,我这一生,能做你的不二之臣。1w0-3938 >>

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