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Ze - Kami No Hon

Ze - Kami no Hon summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ze - Kami no Hon. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Billionaire Girl

Takato Kei is just an ordinary college student, training for an ordinary life, when he falls into a strange and appealing part-time job. He's been hired to tutor a teenage girl at home for 10,000 yen an hour! The girl in question, Fujioka Yukari, is not a high-school student, but a highly successful day trader who has already amassed 170 billion yen! Despite her money and her beautiful apartment, Kei can't help feeling like there's a certain loneliness about the cute teenage girl. She even seems embarrassed of her career, as if her obsession with the stock market and the vast amount of time she spends moving stocks makes her an otaku. Kei may be just the person she needs to help her break out of her isolated lifestyle and acquire the one thing money can't buy - happiness.

Radiata Stories - The Epic Of Jack

In the center of the world lies the human kingdom of Radiata. People throughout the land sing of its glory. Sharing the world with the humans are the fairy creatures. Dwarves, elves, goblins, and others all lead their different lives. Although they are not exactly friends, humans and nonhumans live side-by-side in harmony. In a small village, a young man named Jack lives with his sister. Dreaming of becoming a great knight like his father before him, he ventures forth one day to join the famous Royal Radiata Knights. But the fragile peace between humans and fairy creatures threatens to shatter... where exactly does Jack's destiny lie? This is Jack's Side of the story. Based on the homonymous game.


From Illuminati-Manga: At the turn of the previous century, the earth quaked. The earth's crust began to shift for the fourth time, centering around the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The entire world's land mass was reduced to 3/5 of the planet, and the human population was reduced by a third. Put simply...the earth had gotten old. In 2039, there was only one country that continued to prosper, glaring around at the rest of the dying planet: Japan. Todoroki Jin returns to Tokyo, the city where he was born, in hopes of finding his friend Ryoma. Little does Jin know about how Tokyo's changed since his last visit... The oneshot at the end of volume 3 is called Warrior of the Holy Flame, Abi. Recommended for fans of Riki-Oh

Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem

Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem summary: Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Midnight Pursuits: A Killer Instincts Novel

Midnight Pursuits: A Killer Instincts Novel summary: Midnight Pursuits: A Killer Instincts Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Midnight Pursuits: A Killer Instincts Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories summary: The Children's Book of Christmas Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children's Book of Christmas Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Conflict of Northern and Southern Theories of Man and Society

Conflict of Northern and Southern Theories of Man and Society summary: Conflict of Northern and Southern Theories of Man and Society summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conflict of Northern and Southern Theories of Man and Society. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:小兵提供人可木各大神最新作品《没骨日》最新章节全文免费阅读,没骨日TXT下载,没骨日全文字更新,没骨日无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网没骨日吧,本站最新最快更新没骨日的最新章节。1w0-107 275 >>


内容简介:一次真心话大冒险,她坐到李易的大腿上,搂着他的脖子,娇滴滴地喊道“哥哥”沉默寡言的男人慢条斯理地抽着烟,烟雾缭绕,几秒后放下烟,说“你觉得哥哥会喜欢你这样的嫩草吗”她一脸的娇俏瞬间消失 ,刷地站起1w0-25380 >>


内容简介:简介:“本人专职八卦占卜、五行起名、降妖除魔、驱煞捉鬼、掘坟点穴看风水,外加催债、贴膜、捉小三,算命不准不要钱,一百块起可代开发票,每周一三五七下午五点,烟罗路天桥下第十八号摊位,各位 有缘人走过路过不要错过!”冥界钉子户洛青莲得了个热乎的身体夺舍重生,来到现代社会,本打算享受人生,却不料总有麻烦事找上门来,他只能重操旧业捋起袖子当神棍,算命捉鬼下墓倒斗样样行,要问他有什么烦恼——洛青莲苦着脸:“九哥哥太难追,我其实怀疑他中看不中用,有点儿不太行。”容九霄:“呵呵。”后来再问洛青莲有什么烦恼——洛青莲扶着腰叹息:“社会险恶,人心不古。”容九霄:“嗯,味道不错。”1w0-33455 >>


内容简介:祝府的表小姐赵芯儿生了个天生狐媚子样。尤其是那不盈一握的杨柳细腰,十分惹人。上辈子,赵芯儿受尽了红颜祸水的苦死状凄惨,不得善终。重来一世,赵芯儿只想早日离开祝府,绝不再重蹈覆辙。-隔壁 新搬过来的袁子琰是个岁数挺大的莽夫。他穿的破破烂烂,却敢打那些混账纨绔。赵芯儿觉得,这个男人可以嫁。他那么穷,肯定纳不起妾,她嫁过去便是主母。唯一有点遗憾的就是——生的也太凶了些,她一瞅就觉得腿软于是,赵芯儿壮着胆子战战兢兢的走到袁子琰面前,吓得声音发抖:“你若是肯待我好,我、我就嫁你。”袁子琰直勾勾的看着说完这句话都快哭出来的赵芯儿,目光像是头饿狼一般。“好。”他哑着嗓子。赵芯儿身子一颤,真哭了。-嫁人后,赵芯儿突然觉得不对劲。家里的碗,是上好的瓷器。家里的床,是金丝楠木的。丈夫身上的破玉佩,居然让上辈子看不起她的祝府太太下了跪!赵芯儿迷茫了。说好的穷丈夫呢?这日子还怎么过?袁子琰如愿以偿的搂住那杨柳细腰,哑声开口:“娘子不怕,爷这辈子只疼你一个。”1w0-4255 >>


内容简介:上一世,她被困在精神病院十年,天神般的男人为她而死。这一世,她风华归来,手撕小三,虐渣男,人生如同开了挂。上一世,他被她悔婚,为她心爱的男人捐肾,为她去死。这一世,他将她据为己有,娶她 为妻,势要帮她披荆斩棘,护她一生平安无虞。婚后,姜绾双手叉腰,成为家中的女王,“封墨枭,你上辈子是不是蠢?上辈子把肾捐给那个死渣男?”封墨枭抬眼,冷嗤,“你更蠢,被渣男逼成了精神病。我告诉你,就是只有一颗肾各位书友要是觉得《封先生溺宠重生妻姜绾封墨枭》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80086 >>



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