Fire King Read Online


Kyoukasho Wa Oshiete Kurenai

From Which Scanlations: 1. Kyoukasho wa Oshietekurenai 2. Toumen na Jikan Normally, people who have died haunt their lovers or their enemies... So why is Yuuri, the ghost of a high school girl, following her boyfriend's little brother around? 3. Kanojo no Tabako 4. Okubyou na Kimi no Te - The Untouchable Venus Shino thought she could drive away the persistent Takeomi by telling him that she didn’t want to do anything physical–even hold hands–until she was married. But he agreed, and the two of them had a good relationship until Shino’s first boyfriend showed up and revealed the real reason why she was “waiting”. 5. Kyoukasho ni wa Notte Inai 'In high school, our responsibility is studying... But isn't it also important to learn about love?' Hinokawa wants to know the things that can't be found in a textbook--but the teacher she's chosen to focus her affections on isn't exactly responding the way she wants him to.

Kimi Ga Ichiban Soba Ni Iru

A collection of short stories: 1) You're The Closest to Me - Minato and Ozumi are best friends and neighbors. But lately Ozumi has started feeling restless when Minato isn't around. Then a Ozumi meets a handsome older man who likes him... 2) You're the Closest to Me Side Story - Ozumi is still being approached on streets and sexually harassed by guys, but Minato is there to protect him. But lately Minato hasn't been around. Does he have a secret? 3) Forbidden - A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to play indoors in this fourteen page story. 4) Excellence - Student obsessed with miniatures discovers there are other fun things to buy on the internet. 5) Rivalry 6) Last Chance A boy has a hardcore one-sided love. His crush finally agrees to go with the boy, but soon after the boy learns that his crush might be moving away to England! His last chance to take his crush all for himself is at the trip!

Spicy Fever

From Esthétique: Mako has found a new part-time job as a live-in maid. When she arrives at the wealthy house, she is confronted by the son of the family, Tamaki. A playboy by nature, Tamaki persistently teases Mako... to her breaking point. But is the teasing something more?

Fire King

Sequel of Melancholic Princess The 'Fire King' is the 2nd installment of the 'Seven (Godly/Ancient) Mirrors series; the first being 'Melancholic Princess'. It's been 3 years since the dissapearance of the underground HanLin Palace which served as the home and tomb of Yong Qian's previous incarnation, the Princess Yu Ling. Yong Qian continues her search for the other bronze mirrors which represents the 7 Gods, hoping to see Shang Xuan again. She makes a wistful remark of wanting to meet American CEO Tony Canary, whose eyes reminds her of Shang Quan, and as fate would have it, he noticed her just minutes after her wistful wish. How does Tony Canary fit into this never-ending wheel of fate...?

A Round Trip To Love

A Round Trip To Love summary: The blind fortuneteller at the mouth of the alley said to me, “Your road of love is destined to be one that’s rough. You shall be forever intertwined with a man, and there won’t be a peaceful ending.”
I shoved my half-finished soda in his hands, patted myself down and left.
“Hey, you haven’t paid!” The blind fortuneteller was still madly shouting from a distance.
Are you kidding me? You couldn’t even work out whether I’m a man or woman and you still dare ask for money? I’m doing my daily good deed by not wrecking your stand.
Now, I’m sitting in a train station, disheveled and empty-handed, my face swelling like a pig’s. Recalling the blind fortuneteller’s words, I regret blowing him off with my unfinished soda. I should have given him some money. Unfortunately, I’ve been a fool up till today. My life has indeed been intertwined with a man, but I have not realised that nothing good will come out of it in the end

Upstart Pastry Chef ~Territory Management of a Genius Pâtisserie~

Upstart Pastry Chef ~Territory Management of a Genius Pâtisserie~ summary: Kurt was born to a poor Baronetcy of Arnold. He was a genius pastry chef in the previous world.
While increasing the wealth of his fief as the feudal lord, he aims for his past unfulfilled dream, to become the greatest pastry chef in the world. Making honey, building orchards with elves, trading, he gathers ingredients for his pastries, those which give a whole new taste never seen before in the different world…
Huge profit from selling special products, extremely high praise from the ducal house as temporary pâtissier, the shop that he builds in the capital city becoming a big hit!
This is a sweet tale of pastries and being surrounded by kind people.

The Squire

The Squire summary: The Squire summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Squire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel

The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel summary: The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.






类别恋爱 霸总


















类别都市 爆笑 节操








内容简介:  长安,百鬼夜行;  洛阳,阴兵借道;  公元649年,天可汗驾崩含风殿,战神病故于卧榻上。  一代女皇在灵宝寺内落发出家;大唐神探步入国子监求学。  一个属于未来的灵魂,来到了长安 城。  贞观盛世下,有魑魅魍魉藏于黑暗之中。煌煌都城之中,妖魔鬼怪横行。  这是一个人与妖魔共生的世界。  不良人横刀在手,搅动风云色变。  长生?我不欲也!千万年太久,我只争朝夕,活一个畅快淋漓。  这是一个略带有魔幻色彩的历史小说。  我不知道大家是否能接受,但我希望,能与诸君分享这个故事。1w0-2823 >>




内容简介:书中定远侯府夫人是个疯批老太太!因为丈夫对她无情,她不仅寻个由头害死了丈夫。还将侯府之中的小妾和八个庶生子女,一一残害致死。她还光明正大的踩着这些尸骨踏上诰命夫人之路!但最后作者强掰书 中三观,用幕后正义之手收拾老太,老太不得善终,被磨骨抽筋而死。在现代风华正茂、走马上任第一天的慕言被车撞死之后莫名的穿进了书中成了快要杀光全书人的侯门疯批老太太,此时,正是这侯门老太太要疯狂报复的时候……1w0-78275 >>




内容简介:我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读笔趣阁,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读sodu,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读小说,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读顶点,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读秦黎 清,精选来自————我男朋友是别墅末世情有独钟异能末世爽文秦黎清一睁眼,就发现自己在末世前低价购入的别墅的主卧里。被最信任的朋友背叛之后的震惊与愤怒在心头久久无法消散,仇恨让他失去了往日的从容,失控的一把挥掉了床头柜上的东西。然后他听到了一个男人毫无情绪起伏的声音:你打疼我了。秦黎清:??!!钟离砦伸出手臂,上面小小一片红痕。秦黎清:等等,刚刚这里……有人……吗?钟离砦面无表情:我不是人,我是你现在正在住的这栋别墅。秦黎清:我敢肯定,不是你疯了,就是我疯了。灾难总是来得猝不及防。食人的怪物从天而降,它们感受不到疼痛,也不知道疲倦,打死一个又扑上来成千上万个,血肉之躯却能轻易破开钢筋混凝土……天灾接憧而至,世界上已经没有安全的地方了。除了——桃花源基地。谁也不知道它是怎么出现的,据说最开始的时候这里只有一栋别墅,它的面积不断增大,最后变成了一座城。怪物无法破城而入,天灾无法撼动城池,给人类带来了最后一丝希望。“老李赵二大小王你们快来啊,这里是真的桃花源!”“终于有安全的地方了,我们有救了!”“不管是异能者还是普通人,都能在这里平等的生存下去,末日竟然还有这样的地方,太好了……”“这里才是人类的希望!”……火种正在延续,末日终将终结。——下本开这个:《傀儡师别太嚣张末世》末世丧尸横行,天灾动荡。世人生存艰难,未来一片茫然。但是到了尚郁泽这里却画风突变。尚郁泽找到一个没有人的角落,从包里掏出一个小小的木头人放在地上。“去,给你饥饿的主人找点吃的。”木头人身形迅速抽长,变成一个青年跑出去,不一会儿就拿回来一大包切片面包。基地里的人渐渐发现,尚郁泽画风不对。明明所有人都吃糠咽菜,为生活焦头烂额。为什么什么也不干的尚郁泽出门有座驾,进门是豪宅,生活无忧不说还仆从云集???尚郁泽把手中剥好的葡萄塞进嘴里:傻了吧?傀儡师的快落你们根本不懂。肚子饿了怎么办?控制傀儡出门找食物啊!没地方住怎么办?控制傀儡们建房子啊!出门没车怎么办?控制傀儡背着自己走啊!遇到丧尸怎么办?控制傀儡打……等等,他好像能把丧尸也变成傀儡?总感觉自己好像掌握了拯救世界的方法……——作为世界上最后一个傀儡师的尚郁泽,在一次意外中痛失他最心爱的傀儡。从此思之如狂,辗转反侧,茶饭不思,日渐消瘦。然后有一天,他发现自己已经被毁坏的傀儡站在自己面前,对他露出一个让人目眩神迷的微笑。尚郁泽沉思了两秒钟,拔腿就跑:老天鹅,已 >>



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